Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, April 29, 2012


ya, thanks a lot for reminding me
that right now
my house
is fridge-less.
can u ever imagine???
no fridge??
no ice cubes.
no cold waters.
no ice-cream.
no cold juice.
no fresh milk.
no ice cubes.
i just mention ice cubes.
do you know that Malaysia in this kind of time
is very very very hot?
so hot you just don't want to go out.
even at home i still feel the heat.
imagine that!
and you've got no ice or cooling stuffs to 
you know, cool you down.
just saw mum threw in the last bit of ice cubes
into the fish tank.
why does the fish gets to swim in the cool pond?
i am so going to soak myself in the bucket.
hot weather.
killer sun, damn it.
stupid radiation.
makes me age, and zits all around.
and now here's the epic,
no fridge.
great, that's just ... great.
these few days i can't really sleep well.
so hot, plus no milk.
FYI, i drink a cup of milk every night before i sleep.
well, you know, fresh milk
(best if warm, but i prefer cold)
can calm you down and 
well, of course,
you sleep better.
now, the fridge is just an empty metal-plastic box.
useless like shyt.
the worst is,
dad don't give a damn of buying a new one.
his brilliant plan?
ya, okay, dad, repair? haha.
that fridge is like broken twice,
and used for 10 years,
so? what can you do???
and it's not like repairing is going to cost you cheaper.
buying a whole new fridge is 
much worth the invest.
i say, he really cannot count.
thank God i am not as bad as he is.
although i may hate maths (i am pro in maths)
but at least, how money should 'run'
in the best route so you get the best out of it.
so now suffering without fridge.
it's the mental pain.
you HAVE to get a fridge!
oh for goodness sake!!!
man, if this goes on,
i'll be ending up spending more money buying 
cold drinks than on my clothes.
being fridge-less
is super not cool.
how's your day, people?
miserable as mine?
i hope not.
cheers and ciao!

it's over.

it's over.
it's all over.
the days where i slack
i eat and play all day
it's over.
no more.
i meant my no-school days.
just last week,
i got myself a notice.
Tahniah! (means congratulations in Bahasa)
You have been accepted to study Form Six in
Sekolah Tengku Ampuan Rahimah 
a.k.a. (STAR).
the school i wanted to get in
for form 1
finally i got to go in 
for form 6
i hope i can be a star in STAR.
so, school days will be starting at 8th of May.
let's see.
from today, 29th of April,
9 days only!!!
that's 1 week plus. only.
 no way!!!
looking back at the days i spent so nicely.
i am glad that i did something useful.
or quite.
well, i made a video,
some kind of spoof 
plus my own 
100% self-composed (Xp)
MV of the contest song.
those thingy kept me occupied.
which is kind of good.
in the sense that,
i don't feel so useless.
i mean, nothing to do
makes you feel useless.
and do you know that 
one of the reason people die young 
is because they retire young.
which means, they feel themselves
at a very early stage of their life.
ironic. isn't?
making myself occupied
by my own will 
and by my own stuff
is fun.
plus, you can keep the nagging away.
mum, you know, can die if they don't nag.
when my mum sees me doing 
"get something to do!"
so, i'm glad that i'm
not doing nothing.
i apologize if i haven't been updating 
this blog recently.
'cause i'm busy with the video.
so far, i am just astonished,
that i had just type this post in
all small letters.
well, that's all for now.
somemore and you'll here me spitting rubbish.
good day people.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Jeju in my Dream

Jeju Island
Paradise in Korea.
I so wanna go there.
I dream of me in there.
Maybe I watch too much 
Korean Drama
that feature
that OMG-scenery
of Jeju Island.
Such beauty.
At that paradise,
all you can do is 
to praise the Lord
for His brilliant artwork.
I mean,
not being there
I can even indulge myself
into the
by just looking at this picture.
I hope I can go to Korea one day.
Can I go to Korea?

Friday, April 20, 2012

POTTERMORE; Magic Come True

Have you ever heard of
If you're a Harry Potter's fan,
you cannot miss this!
Actually, this fan page had been up
last year.
But only some lucky ones got to enter then.
But now, it's open to anyone who wishes to know more about Harry Potter.
Hence, pottermore is introduced.
Thanks to my idol,
whom I respect much for her creativity, imagination and success,
whom also motivated me to write my own magical story,
she proudly invite you to
Here's what she got to say to you.
More, straight from herself.
I present her with my privilege,

Amazing isn't?
It's nothing like an ordinary online game.
It's the thrill,
the experience,
and the search of heart,
that makes
I had just started,
and although I'm not those people
who are easily addicted to games or etc,
had brought me into the world of magic
I could ever imagine.
Now, I can't wait to get back to pottermore.
It awaits for me.
And I'm just glad I can have my very own
magic adventure
as Harry Potter.
No need to envy or covet.
There's enough for everyone.
Join pottermore too.
And indulge yourself with the wave of magic
that can bring you to the top of the world.
Well, perhaps out of this world!
Good luck,


Thursday, April 19, 2012

cReATiVe mE

 Cheers to all my friends and viewers!
This is my section of cReAtiVe.
I explore myself,
my life,
my dreams,
my ambitions,
my craziness,
me and I.
My inner me pours out
 his thoughts
and her feeling,
and to share my stories,
using the power of Art.

 Teet Da! Teet Da! Teet Da!

Triumph of the NERD

 So, as an introduction,
I would like to say that I'm not a nerd.
You get me?
Able to study doesn't categorize me as nerds.
By the way, do you know how nerds look like?
Maybe I look like one, 
but that's about to change.
Don't get me wrong,
but nerds are great people too.
I was one before,
but now,
I've met evolution.
And so, the old me is gone,
and the new me has arrived!
And to my fellow nerd-friends,
that Art is dedicated for you!
Yea, heck it!
What's your problem if I'm a NERD!

 Doom Cha Cha! Doom Cha Cha!
Naive me with a LOLipop.

GENIUS is the other word
you use to describe yourself
after you evolve from NERD.
Your interpretations on Genius
has no concern for me.
I believe,
everyone at some stage
is a genius.
Just whether they want to show it or not.
Some keep it to themselves.
Some share it.
Some boast about it.
Who cares what you do with it,
you're a genius.
But somehow or another,
if you become too realistic,
your geniusity-level (no such word, btw)
 is much lower than others.
Cause it's true,
that GENIUS is 
After all,
it's the naive ones that use the brains.
Kids are all about super brain power.
Well, naive is just another word of GENIUS.

Psssh! Psssh! Psssh!
Coca-Cola in Arabic. Pretty cool eh?

Wait, don't get pissed off.
I'm not pissing you, or maybe, ya.
Whatever, please don't get mad.
Yes, those wrinkles will get really fast
if you're mad.
I am not boasting,
that I'm a super nerd who turned out
to be a genius.
I'm just like you and me.
We're all the same.
All of us is Adam's great
(to the infinity)
grandsons and granddaughters.
 Get me?
Just like the Coke tins.
It's just the matter of different
But how different we can be,
we are still the same.
All Coke taste the same
(all of them contains 14 tablespoon of sugar)
And we too.
Not that we taste sweet,
but we are same.
I have two eyes,
you get two eyes too.
I have one nose,
so do you.
One mouth for me,
and one for you!
Two ears to listen music for me,
and two ears to listen crap for you.
Haha! Just joking.
See what I mean?
We're the same.

Beep Boo Bap! Beep Bap Boo! Beep Beep Boo!
Wizard Oz won't give me a heart, can you?
Nobody's that heartless!
I say, if you are a healthy
human being,
a homo sapien,
not the cousins of the ape,
all of us have a heart.
Heck it!
Not that pomp pomp heart.
The inner heart of a heart.
The heart of someone.
The desire.
The well being of a man. (or woman.)
God created us with a heart.
So that man can think.
And make decision.
(A quick cup of latte [please!])
Yes, we aren't robots.
You didn't get me?
 Well, there's so many ways
to name yourself.

My R.O.B.O.T. is
Riding Over Bitches On Tuesday.
Wacky right?


What's your R.O.B.O.T.?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012











 妈, 我好想告诉你








































Monday, April 16, 2012



It's time for me to earn some of my own pocket money.
And I'm using my art skills to do that.
By drawing creative cards,
I wish to make some money out of it.
And all I need is you guys' support.
Okay, straight to the point.
I am selling cards.
Any cards.
You name it.
Birthday cards, wedding cards, first-born cards,
friendship cards, love cards, etc.
Just tell me what your card you want.
And if you want to have the picture you intended on your card,
tell me
and I'll draw it for you.
It won't cost much.
Sure it'll be lower than RM10.
Reply me, or message me your suggestions.
Tell me the card you want.
And I'll make you one.
I'll tell you the price soon.
Still in consideration.
But as a trial, I'll give the cheapest price in the first few days.
Hope to get some reaction soon!

(If you buy one card, any card you name it,
the fees I charge will be including the postage fees.)


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Okay. I got so bored in the DIY Shop.
Dad wanted to buy his stuff,
while Mum and I followed along.
But I was sooooooooo HUNGRY!!!
That's why taking something photos,
well, took my attention away from my groaning stomach.
So, this story is going to be all about my pictures.

Look at these kawaii anime minatures!
They look so cute, right?
If i'm not mistaken, I think it's K-On Anime characters.
When I saw these, I thought of my dear sister.
She is Japanese Anime Number One Fan.
So... thought of buying for her,
but then, nah... heck it. Hahaha. 
I got better things to buy.
So I move on.
My worst nightmares.
The dolls of the dead.
Creeps me out everytime I look at them.
If you have the thought of scaring me to death,
just fill my room with these... scary looking dolls,
would instantly give me the sheer cold that runs through my spine.
Err... to whom who loves them, sorry.
But to me. NO THANKS!

Sooo cute right?
Well, this is what I call DOLL.
The proper doll that gives everyone the smile.
Don't you find them cute?
I would have them in my glass show.
I mean, Japanese stuffs are just very cute, right?
Awww... how I wish I could be in Japan studying right now...

A lousy frog.
I got soooo hungry by the time Dad were paying.
So... I grabbed this....
Wow.. that felt so good.

Well, I'm currently trying to get some inspirations,
and draw some lovely creative patterns
on cards.
Like Birthday cards, wedding cards and etc.
Hehe... gonna sell it online.
But first, the cards must be ready.
So... if you want to purchase beautiful cards,
don't forget to drop by to my blog soon.
I will be on the market a.s.a.p.!!

Okay... I love this picture.
The Devil in the Cage!
That's so cool!!
See that cute little fellow in there?
Gosh, if I brought some money,
then it would be in my bedroom.
Poor Mr.Skull-head!

Hahaha!! But I did not leave the mall empty handed.
I lent my Mum some money to buy myself two rings.
There. They were on sale, so, heck it!
Yes, I like to accessorize. So what?
C'mon, teens got to be fashionable.
Even guys.
Oh yes, you want to see my collection?

Let me see...

There! SEE? XP
Forgive me if they are so little,
I just got my style started.
When I'm ready,
which means, when I have my hair done.
I promise I'll get myself a nice photo.
And I am so gonna show you guys!!!
That's all for tonight!
Good night
and Ciao!

North Korean missile launch Failure

Have you heard the recent news?

North Korean missile launch FAILURE

I will not talk about the political things,
but just to share my opinions and share the stuffs people in the world talk about.

This is what the DC Decoder got to say about the incident.

A North Korean satellite launch on Friday ended in epic failure as the booster rocket broke up over the Yellow Sea, embarrassing the Pyongyang regime at the moment it is celebrating the 100th birthday of its late founder, Kim Il-sing.

Earlier in the week, normally secretive North Korean officials had bused foreign journalists to the launch site of the Unha-3, or Galaxy-3, in and effort to show off the state of their space technology. In the end this display of rare openness backfired, as North Korean state media four hours after launch admitted that their Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite had not reached its preset orbit. 

North Korea's orbital attempt had been condemned by Group of Eight foreign ministers before the ''go'' button was pushed. The Obama administration had already announced that because of the launch, it was suspending a planned program to exchange food aid for a rollback in North Korea's nuclear program.

"Despite the failure of its attempted missile launch, North Korea's provocative action threatens regional security, violates international law and contravenes its own recent commitments,'' said White House Spokesman Jay Carney in a statement. "While this action is not surprising given North Korea's pattern of aggressive behavior, any missile activity by North Korea is of concern to the international community.

On the other hand, no nation likes public embarrassment, and that may go double for a dictatorial regime that has shown no compunction about letting its people starve while pouring resources into the military.

The test failure constitues a humiliating setback for North Korea's new leader, Kim Jong-un, writes Richard Hass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. He and the nation's military could well turn to some other provocative act to try to signal his emergence and consolidate his authority.

''If history is any guide, this suggest that a test of a nuclear warhead or some sort of aggressive military action - for example, an artillery strike - againts South Korea could be in the offing,'' writes Dr. Hass.

So, that's what the people wrote about.
It's kind of complicated, but I'm here just to tell me story.
Notice my highlight on the eight paragraph.

On the other hand, no nation likes public embarrassment, and that may go double for a 
dictatorial regime that has shown no compunction about letting its people starve while
pouring resources into the military.

Do you know what that means? 
Honestly, I don't really 100% get what it mean.
After checking up some translations, I found out that this is quite a not-so-nice thing to do.
First, I thank God for Malaysia is not a communist country.
Because as everyone knows, that the country that practise communism is fairly, quite poor.
Don't believe me?
Take a look at the South and North Korean.
If you have a brain, you'll get what I mean.
As such, I sometimes agonize as why humans are so selfish.
Why should the poor people have to starve while the government tries to
have a strong military base?
Isn't better if it were like the US?
The country is rich in economic-wise, and yet, powerful in military-wise.
It's a win-win situation, to me.
I have to admit, that I have zero idea of what the people are going through;
I mean the people of North Korea.
They seemed so patriotic,
but seriously, sometimes, my friends joke about,
that if they do not show their spirit of patriotism,
then maybe they would be shot.
Well, it's funny, if you're not the person to be shot.
Not at all.
I am actually afraid of that policy.
Every time I imagine the country and its people,
I  tremble.
It's like living in your own world.
Do you know that they are so super strict,
that they even need a ''pass'' to travel from city to city in their own country?
It's a shame. 
Since the world had grown so matured and people are living better,
they are actually on the opposite.
It's true nobody likes public embarrassment.
I hate it too.
But sometimes, it does happens.
I personally feel bad for the people. 
And this incident had brought even more ''blow''
not only to the people, to the authority,
but to the entire nation.
I heard someone said before,
that if anyone started a nuclear war,
the whole world explodes.
Well, I don't want to live in a world that is unlivable.

Remember what Einsteins said once?

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

It's a terrible and horrible thing to happen if this ever happen.
Imagine it!

Lastly, I felt sorry for the North Korean for the failure.
It would be better if it was a success.
Then at least, the people won't face public embarrassment.
But what happened had happened.
Things work in the will of the Lord.

"For all things work together for good to those 
who loves and obey the Lord...''
Romans 8:28

So just to end this session,
a video is shared.
Thanks for reading,
and good day! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Me Learning Korean

Why I am sharing this story to you?
Well, personally, I'm learning the Korean Language myself.
I  was firstly influenced by the Korean Drama.
And then, I started to love the language.
You may not know me, but I'm those guy who loves language.
Individually, I can speak Bahasa Malaysia, 
English, Chinese.
And you know what they say.
It's better to know more language.
So you can communicate well,
without needing to worry about being cheated.
However, I could only go as far as learning myself.
My parents doesn't allow me to persue my further studies in linguistic.
Dad said it is not a profession.
That's him. Old fashion. Hahaha.
So I chose the medical way, wanting to be a doctor.
So, about learning the Korean Language.
I have been watching Youtube videos as guides.
There are so many different types of teachers.
But in the end, I chose this, the most funniest one.
Wait... let me find the link...
Aha! Found!

I'm not promoting her, but just want to share, that I found this quite interesting.
And it really helps me in my learning of the Korean Language.

Anyway, I have ample of time now.
Since school is not starting soon,
I thought of grabbing the time to learn something new.
If not, your brain cells will grow lazy and rot.

Okay, just to prove to you that I'm not lying.
Nah. Those are some of my notes.

That is how you write and speak about Monday
to Sunday in Korean Language.

That is Happy Birthday Song in Korean Language.
Quite interesting.

And that's some motivation to keep me going.
And to get the *yawn* out of me.
Sometimes, learning stuffs will be boring.
Especially when you're alone.
No choice, 'cause my family members wouldn't even bother
if I would to speak to myself in Korean.
Plus, my sister would be the one discouraging me,
So, ya, there's challenge, and there's backup!


Ya. Dozing off halfway in my own lesson.
Hahaha. Sleeping in front of the computer isn't my first time.
But I am glad this time, 
it wasn't because of excessive online game.
(FYI, I play MapleStory, a Korean Online Game,
Told ya I'm fascinated with Korean stuffs!)
But hey! some rest is good too.

Anyway, to end this story,
I've found one very nice video,
that keeps me motivated to master the Korean Language. 
Just the title of this video sucks.
So... enjoy the video, not the title.
'Cause to clarify, 
all languages in this world are great ones,
and none of them is least than the others.
Just it's different in the favourite list
due to different view of perspectives.
Take Care and...


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Endless Night of FUN

 10th April, Tuesday, 5.30pm.
A phone call came as I was surfing the net.
''Wanna hang out at mamak?"
"What?!" I replied, ''mamak again?? NO! But wait... I would love to hang out... hee~"
And so, the hostess changed the venue.

Yes, To be honest, I don't really like mamak.
You know mamak, the malaysian kind of food stall which is own by the Indian-Muslim
who serves Indian food. Ya, that's mamak. Very typical in Malaysia.

Okay, just a little info, after her call,
I straight away ran to get a nap.
I mean, I didn't want to look all tired out with surfing the net with my friends, eh?

So, anyway, Miss YT drove all of us (aww, how kind of her) in her
squeezy Proton car. 6 of us in total.
But who cares.
In fact, I love being squeezy, especially when I'm with my friends.
Best friends, to be exact.
And we had our dinner in a steamboat restaurant.
Now this is what I call, a proper dinner.
I mean, somehow or another, you HAVE to have Chinese food
for dinner. It's just the best.
Chinese has a saying, 华人是名以食为天。
It means, Chinese is known of their cuisines in the entire world.
And I am so proud of that! (^.^) ~

Needless for me to explain what we ate,
or what were inside those steamboat,
but if you're interested in Chinese Steamboat,
may I suggest you google it? Haha. Try it out if you have the chance.

SO, back to the topic.
A Night Worth Cherish.
That would be what I can say of that night.
Although it was simple, small grouped,
but it was pleasant, nice, and very warm.
We had so many things to talk about although there were only six mouths.
We had so many things to share about although there were only six different lifestyle.
We had so many to laugh about although there were only six brains trying to crack some jokes.
And ......... the list goes on.
Long story short,
it was FUN.
Well, aren't you just glad that FUN is so short-spelled.
I mean, when you're fun, you don't get it.
Seriously, it's more or less like taking drugs.
Just FUN is simple, laughable and unexplainable.
Fun is Fun.
And we had more than fun,
we had An Endless Night of Fun.

After the steamboat dinner, which got all of us so full,
we went to hang out in Miss Evy's house.
It was first decided to have a midnight movie,
but... it turns out that we weren't going for it anyhow.
So, her house we went, and was actually thinking of sleep over!
I mean, sometimes it's nice to do something crazy.
Heck it. We're matured teens, and so,
if we act like drunkards ( ps,  I don't drink),
and sleep like one, without brushing out teeth,
or changing into pyjamas... hmmm.
I wonder...?
But that didn't turn out as well.
If it did, ... well, it just didn't.
But we didn't just want to have dinner
and leave.
We spent some time together.
Until 12.30 am.
Chat, Chat, Chat.
Play, Play, Play.
Smack, Smack, Smack.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh.
Ask, Ask, Ask.
Share, Share, Share.
Laugh again, Laugh again, Laugh again.
Had Fun, Fun, FUN!

It was pure joy.
Pure honesty,
and pure laughter.
Nobody faking up.
Not one frowning.
And no one actually did not have fun!
I don't know of the others,
but what my means of fun,
is me being ME.
Me being who I am,
the true Myself in Me.
With these amazing people
whom I gladly and proudly called as friends,
I could be me.
Honestly, you don't get to see me like that
when I'm with my family, church or strangers.
And I'm just hope they feel the same way as I did.
That feeling that ''hey man, don't be shy, we're friends.''

Dear friends, it's simple as ABC to know the fact
that I consider you guys as my friends.
Anything I can share with you guys,
including secrets,
from that moment on,
I place my trust on you,
'cause you were my friend all along.

And I hope we will be friends,
'till the very end of our days.
Love you guys!

Credits to Miss YT for the funny squeeze ride and the invitation.
Credits to Miss Evy for the warm welcome at her house 'till 12.30 am.
Credits to Miss W. SHN for the info. Get me updated really quick eh!
Credits to Gene and Hong for not making me the only guy there. Wakaka!
Thanks for making this night,
a night worth cherish. I couldn't get myself calm down from the excitement.
It sure is a night of Fun. XOXO
Take care and hope to see you guys again!


Monday, April 9, 2012


once a promise,
forever a promise.

That's what they say.
But talk is easy,
who has ever really done it?
Well, I will never promise 
that my promise is a promise.

To mere humans, promises can be broken.
Just like an egg, fall to the ground.
Once it break, you cannot mend it.

We are promise makers, 
we are also promise breakers.
That's what we are.
Poor man who cannot keep promises.

But as fragile as I am,
I try my very best to keep promises.
And like any skills, 
keeping promises take exercises.

All these while in National Service Camp,
I was trained.
Physically, mentally, spiritually,
and also attitude wise.
That include man's simple lesson of the life.
"Keeping a promise well."

Normally, to me, keeping promises
includes keeping secrets.
All kinds of secrets.
I have to admit.
Many of my friends love to share their secrets to me.
Well, most of them aren't that lovely,
and most of them is about complains,
regrets, hatred, sadness.
Sigh, all the world can give.
Yes, being a secret keeper
 is a tough job.
I had to listen, and sometimes,
tried to advice,
but never able to share them out.
All because it's a secret.

And that's what my friends expect me to do.
They had laid their trust on me,
and I will keep their trust safe.
It's not that I am complaining,
but to say that I love to be in  this position.
I want to help.
And you only asked for help when you're in trouble, right?
I have lots of them who kinda forget me when
things started to work out.
Well, honestly, it's OKAY for me.
I'm cool about it.

Dear Readers,
I didn't meant to discourage you that we cannot keep promises,
and we are a bad secret keeper.
But I just want to remind you guys,
that keeping a promise ain't easy.
It's a kind of responsibility.

As I grow older,
I started to realize,
that our life hang around the promises we keep,
and the trust we can give to others.
The more trust we gain,
the more secrets we keep,
the more responsibilities we bear,
the more friends we have around,
life's just getting more and more stuff to do.
Isn't it true?

Keep a promise,
then Promise to keep.


Happy Easter My Friends!

 Happy Easter everyone!
After Good Friday,
the most anticipated day is just 3 days away.
Easter is not about bunny, eggs, or whatnots.
Rather, Easter means something even greater.
Easter, is the day that we remember
our dear Lord Jesus Christ
who resurrected from dying on the cross
after 3 days.
And that's what the Christian's faith is all about.

The Resurrection Of Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed it is a truth that when 
1 cross + 3 nails,
the Lord Jesus Christ's precious blood flow down to earth
and brought forgiveness to mankind
whom know Him not,
 the One who created man Himself.
It was God's plan and will
in His utmost intelligence and wisdom,
to have His one and only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ to be hang on the cross,
on the Good Friday.
People may ask,
What's so good since your Lord is dead anyway?
Well, to us, it's good.
Very Very Good.
Because up there on the cross should be US!
Not Jesus Christ.
But because out of love for us,
Jesus bore our sins on His shoulders,
and took the blame
hence took our place on the cross.
It was good for us,
but not good for Him.
And that's what Jesus intended to do.
He wanted to show His love
to those He cares
by dying on the cross,
so that all those who believe and trust Him as a Savior
may have eternal life.
Rising again on the 3rd day was the highlight,
the epic of the event,
the climax of all human history.
Not one man in this world had ever claimed
that he or she will rise again on the third day after he died.
Only Jesus Christ did, with confidence.
Because Lord Jesus Christ is God,
the Savior of all Mankind,
the Creator,
the Alpha and the Omega,
and the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Only God can take life as well as give life.
And that's what Jesus Christ is capable of.
And by rising again on the third day,
the Lord Jesus Christ gives us assurance to all Christians
that the sting of death is no longer effective to us,
and that the grave could hold us no long.
Yes, all humans died.
But the souls of Christians has Jesus Christ assurance
that we will not be thrown down to the bottomless pit of 
fiery lake of hell,
but would spent the rest of eternity with our 
Heavenly Father,
together with our Heavenly Family
in the most heavenly paradise.
That's what Jesus Christ intend to do.
Not to show off that how painful it was to die on a tree.
Not to gain pity on mankind for his gruesome death.
But to touch the hearts
of you 
and me
that there is a God
and there is a Jesus Christ
that loves us so so so so very much
that He would even die for our sins even though He was 
totally innocent.
That's the power of Love.
And God is Love.
 The Lord Jesus Christ had done His part.
He had died on the cross, buried in a tomb,
and on the 3rd He rose from the dead,
proclaiming that nothing can hold Him back,
not even the power of Death could stop our Lord Jesus Christ,
and because He lives, we can face tomorrow,
all because we know that we have a Living God
who conquered death and has the power of Life.
He had done all of these acts of love
2000+ years ago.
What have  you done then?
Are you willing to open up your heart to the one
who died for your sins on the cross,
who took the judgment of death for you,
all these so that you may live forever?
Don't let Jesus Christ keep on waiting,
and knocking at the door of your heart.
Trust in Him,
and live a life full of blessings
and the most important of all,
having assurance that you will most certainly live
after you die.
Life after death,
in hell, 
or heaven?
Choose your destination.
Make you decision.
Trust in the resurrection,
And assured your spot in heaven.
Hallelujah to the Highest 
who was, and is, and is to come!
Thank God!
Hosanna to the Lord!
Thanks for dying for us,
and we are eternally grateful
that you rose from the dead after 3 days,
giving us the hope to face tomorrow,
all because our Lord and our God
is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!