Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, April 29, 2012


ya, thanks a lot for reminding me
that right now
my house
is fridge-less.
can u ever imagine???
no fridge??
no ice cubes.
no cold waters.
no ice-cream.
no cold juice.
no fresh milk.
no ice cubes.
i just mention ice cubes.
do you know that Malaysia in this kind of time
is very very very hot?
so hot you just don't want to go out.
even at home i still feel the heat.
imagine that!
and you've got no ice or cooling stuffs to 
you know, cool you down.
just saw mum threw in the last bit of ice cubes
into the fish tank.
why does the fish gets to swim in the cool pond?
i am so going to soak myself in the bucket.
hot weather.
killer sun, damn it.
stupid radiation.
makes me age, and zits all around.
and now here's the epic,
no fridge.
great, that's just ... great.
these few days i can't really sleep well.
so hot, plus no milk.
FYI, i drink a cup of milk every night before i sleep.
well, you know, fresh milk
(best if warm, but i prefer cold)
can calm you down and 
well, of course,
you sleep better.
now, the fridge is just an empty metal-plastic box.
useless like shyt.
the worst is,
dad don't give a damn of buying a new one.
his brilliant plan?
ya, okay, dad, repair? haha.
that fridge is like broken twice,
and used for 10 years,
so? what can you do???
and it's not like repairing is going to cost you cheaper.
buying a whole new fridge is 
much worth the invest.
i say, he really cannot count.
thank God i am not as bad as he is.
although i may hate maths (i am pro in maths)
but at least, how money should 'run'
in the best route so you get the best out of it.
so now suffering without fridge.
it's the mental pain.
you HAVE to get a fridge!
oh for goodness sake!!!
man, if this goes on,
i'll be ending up spending more money buying 
cold drinks than on my clothes.
being fridge-less
is super not cool.
how's your day, people?
miserable as mine?
i hope not.
cheers and ciao!

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