Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Saturday, April 14, 2012

North Korean missile launch Failure

Have you heard the recent news?

North Korean missile launch FAILURE

I will not talk about the political things,
but just to share my opinions and share the stuffs people in the world talk about.

This is what the DC Decoder got to say about the incident.

A North Korean satellite launch on Friday ended in epic failure as the booster rocket broke up over the Yellow Sea, embarrassing the Pyongyang regime at the moment it is celebrating the 100th birthday of its late founder, Kim Il-sing.

Earlier in the week, normally secretive North Korean officials had bused foreign journalists to the launch site of the Unha-3, or Galaxy-3, in and effort to show off the state of their space technology. In the end this display of rare openness backfired, as North Korean state media four hours after launch admitted that their Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite had not reached its preset orbit. 

North Korea's orbital attempt had been condemned by Group of Eight foreign ministers before the ''go'' button was pushed. The Obama administration had already announced that because of the launch, it was suspending a planned program to exchange food aid for a rollback in North Korea's nuclear program.

"Despite the failure of its attempted missile launch, North Korea's provocative action threatens regional security, violates international law and contravenes its own recent commitments,'' said White House Spokesman Jay Carney in a statement. "While this action is not surprising given North Korea's pattern of aggressive behavior, any missile activity by North Korea is of concern to the international community.

On the other hand, no nation likes public embarrassment, and that may go double for a dictatorial regime that has shown no compunction about letting its people starve while pouring resources into the military.

The test failure constitues a humiliating setback for North Korea's new leader, Kim Jong-un, writes Richard Hass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. He and the nation's military could well turn to some other provocative act to try to signal his emergence and consolidate his authority.

''If history is any guide, this suggest that a test of a nuclear warhead or some sort of aggressive military action - for example, an artillery strike - againts South Korea could be in the offing,'' writes Dr. Hass.

So, that's what the people wrote about.
It's kind of complicated, but I'm here just to tell me story.
Notice my highlight on the eight paragraph.

On the other hand, no nation likes public embarrassment, and that may go double for a 
dictatorial regime that has shown no compunction about letting its people starve while
pouring resources into the military.

Do you know what that means? 
Honestly, I don't really 100% get what it mean.
After checking up some translations, I found out that this is quite a not-so-nice thing to do.
First, I thank God for Malaysia is not a communist country.
Because as everyone knows, that the country that practise communism is fairly, quite poor.
Don't believe me?
Take a look at the South and North Korean.
If you have a brain, you'll get what I mean.
As such, I sometimes agonize as why humans are so selfish.
Why should the poor people have to starve while the government tries to
have a strong military base?
Isn't better if it were like the US?
The country is rich in economic-wise, and yet, powerful in military-wise.
It's a win-win situation, to me.
I have to admit, that I have zero idea of what the people are going through;
I mean the people of North Korea.
They seemed so patriotic,
but seriously, sometimes, my friends joke about,
that if they do not show their spirit of patriotism,
then maybe they would be shot.
Well, it's funny, if you're not the person to be shot.
Not at all.
I am actually afraid of that policy.
Every time I imagine the country and its people,
I  tremble.
It's like living in your own world.
Do you know that they are so super strict,
that they even need a ''pass'' to travel from city to city in their own country?
It's a shame. 
Since the world had grown so matured and people are living better,
they are actually on the opposite.
It's true nobody likes public embarrassment.
I hate it too.
But sometimes, it does happens.
I personally feel bad for the people. 
And this incident had brought even more ''blow''
not only to the people, to the authority,
but to the entire nation.
I heard someone said before,
that if anyone started a nuclear war,
the whole world explodes.
Well, I don't want to live in a world that is unlivable.

Remember what Einsteins said once?

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

It's a terrible and horrible thing to happen if this ever happen.
Imagine it!

Lastly, I felt sorry for the North Korean for the failure.
It would be better if it was a success.
Then at least, the people won't face public embarrassment.
But what happened had happened.
Things work in the will of the Lord.

"For all things work together for good to those 
who loves and obey the Lord...''
Romans 8:28

So just to end this session,
a video is shared.
Thanks for reading,
and good day! 

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