Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Okay. I got so bored in the DIY Shop.
Dad wanted to buy his stuff,
while Mum and I followed along.
But I was sooooooooo HUNGRY!!!
That's why taking something photos,
well, took my attention away from my groaning stomach.
So, this story is going to be all about my pictures.

Look at these kawaii anime minatures!
They look so cute, right?
If i'm not mistaken, I think it's K-On Anime characters.
When I saw these, I thought of my dear sister.
She is Japanese Anime Number One Fan.
So... thought of buying for her,
but then, nah... heck it. Hahaha. 
I got better things to buy.
So I move on.
My worst nightmares.
The dolls of the dead.
Creeps me out everytime I look at them.
If you have the thought of scaring me to death,
just fill my room with these... scary looking dolls,
would instantly give me the sheer cold that runs through my spine.
Err... to whom who loves them, sorry.
But to me. NO THANKS!

Sooo cute right?
Well, this is what I call DOLL.
The proper doll that gives everyone the smile.
Don't you find them cute?
I would have them in my glass show.
I mean, Japanese stuffs are just very cute, right?
Awww... how I wish I could be in Japan studying right now...

A lousy frog.
I got soooo hungry by the time Dad were paying.
So... I grabbed this....
Wow.. that felt so good.

Well, I'm currently trying to get some inspirations,
and draw some lovely creative patterns
on cards.
Like Birthday cards, wedding cards and etc.
Hehe... gonna sell it online.
But first, the cards must be ready.
So... if you want to purchase beautiful cards,
don't forget to drop by to my blog soon.
I will be on the market a.s.a.p.!!

Okay... I love this picture.
The Devil in the Cage!
That's so cool!!
See that cute little fellow in there?
Gosh, if I brought some money,
then it would be in my bedroom.
Poor Mr.Skull-head!

Hahaha!! But I did not leave the mall empty handed.
I lent my Mum some money to buy myself two rings.
There. They were on sale, so, heck it!
Yes, I like to accessorize. So what?
C'mon, teens got to be fashionable.
Even guys.
Oh yes, you want to see my collection?

Let me see...

There! SEE? XP
Forgive me if they are so little,
I just got my style started.
When I'm ready,
which means, when I have my hair done.
I promise I'll get myself a nice photo.
And I am so gonna show you guys!!!
That's all for tonight!
Good night
and Ciao!

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