Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter My Friends!

 Happy Easter everyone!
After Good Friday,
the most anticipated day is just 3 days away.
Easter is not about bunny, eggs, or whatnots.
Rather, Easter means something even greater.
Easter, is the day that we remember
our dear Lord Jesus Christ
who resurrected from dying on the cross
after 3 days.
And that's what the Christian's faith is all about.

The Resurrection Of Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed it is a truth that when 
1 cross + 3 nails,
the Lord Jesus Christ's precious blood flow down to earth
and brought forgiveness to mankind
whom know Him not,
 the One who created man Himself.
It was God's plan and will
in His utmost intelligence and wisdom,
to have His one and only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ to be hang on the cross,
on the Good Friday.
People may ask,
What's so good since your Lord is dead anyway?
Well, to us, it's good.
Very Very Good.
Because up there on the cross should be US!
Not Jesus Christ.
But because out of love for us,
Jesus bore our sins on His shoulders,
and took the blame
hence took our place on the cross.
It was good for us,
but not good for Him.
And that's what Jesus intended to do.
He wanted to show His love
to those He cares
by dying on the cross,
so that all those who believe and trust Him as a Savior
may have eternal life.
Rising again on the 3rd day was the highlight,
the epic of the event,
the climax of all human history.
Not one man in this world had ever claimed
that he or she will rise again on the third day after he died.
Only Jesus Christ did, with confidence.
Because Lord Jesus Christ is God,
the Savior of all Mankind,
the Creator,
the Alpha and the Omega,
and the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Only God can take life as well as give life.
And that's what Jesus Christ is capable of.
And by rising again on the third day,
the Lord Jesus Christ gives us assurance to all Christians
that the sting of death is no longer effective to us,
and that the grave could hold us no long.
Yes, all humans died.
But the souls of Christians has Jesus Christ assurance
that we will not be thrown down to the bottomless pit of 
fiery lake of hell,
but would spent the rest of eternity with our 
Heavenly Father,
together with our Heavenly Family
in the most heavenly paradise.
That's what Jesus Christ intend to do.
Not to show off that how painful it was to die on a tree.
Not to gain pity on mankind for his gruesome death.
But to touch the hearts
of you 
and me
that there is a God
and there is a Jesus Christ
that loves us so so so so very much
that He would even die for our sins even though He was 
totally innocent.
That's the power of Love.
And God is Love.
 The Lord Jesus Christ had done His part.
He had died on the cross, buried in a tomb,
and on the 3rd He rose from the dead,
proclaiming that nothing can hold Him back,
not even the power of Death could stop our Lord Jesus Christ,
and because He lives, we can face tomorrow,
all because we know that we have a Living God
who conquered death and has the power of Life.
He had done all of these acts of love
2000+ years ago.
What have  you done then?
Are you willing to open up your heart to the one
who died for your sins on the cross,
who took the judgment of death for you,
all these so that you may live forever?
Don't let Jesus Christ keep on waiting,
and knocking at the door of your heart.
Trust in Him,
and live a life full of blessings
and the most important of all,
having assurance that you will most certainly live
after you die.
Life after death,
in hell, 
or heaven?
Choose your destination.
Make you decision.
Trust in the resurrection,
And assured your spot in heaven.
Hallelujah to the Highest 
who was, and is, and is to come!
Thank God!
Hosanna to the Lord!
Thanks for dying for us,
and we are eternally grateful
that you rose from the dead after 3 days,
giving us the hope to face tomorrow,
all because our Lord and our God
is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!

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