Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Endless Night of FUN

 10th April, Tuesday, 5.30pm.
A phone call came as I was surfing the net.
''Wanna hang out at mamak?"
"What?!" I replied, ''mamak again?? NO! But wait... I would love to hang out... hee~"
And so, the hostess changed the venue.

Yes, To be honest, I don't really like mamak.
You know mamak, the malaysian kind of food stall which is own by the Indian-Muslim
who serves Indian food. Ya, that's mamak. Very typical in Malaysia.

Okay, just a little info, after her call,
I straight away ran to get a nap.
I mean, I didn't want to look all tired out with surfing the net with my friends, eh?

So, anyway, Miss YT drove all of us (aww, how kind of her) in her
squeezy Proton car. 6 of us in total.
But who cares.
In fact, I love being squeezy, especially when I'm with my friends.
Best friends, to be exact.
And we had our dinner in a steamboat restaurant.
Now this is what I call, a proper dinner.
I mean, somehow or another, you HAVE to have Chinese food
for dinner. It's just the best.
Chinese has a saying, 华人是名以食为天。
It means, Chinese is known of their cuisines in the entire world.
And I am so proud of that! (^.^) ~

Needless for me to explain what we ate,
or what were inside those steamboat,
but if you're interested in Chinese Steamboat,
may I suggest you google it? Haha. Try it out if you have the chance.

SO, back to the topic.
A Night Worth Cherish.
That would be what I can say of that night.
Although it was simple, small grouped,
but it was pleasant, nice, and very warm.
We had so many things to talk about although there were only six mouths.
We had so many things to share about although there were only six different lifestyle.
We had so many to laugh about although there were only six brains trying to crack some jokes.
And ......... the list goes on.
Long story short,
it was FUN.
Well, aren't you just glad that FUN is so short-spelled.
I mean, when you're fun, you don't get it.
Seriously, it's more or less like taking drugs.
Just FUN is simple, laughable and unexplainable.
Fun is Fun.
And we had more than fun,
we had An Endless Night of Fun.

After the steamboat dinner, which got all of us so full,
we went to hang out in Miss Evy's house.
It was first decided to have a midnight movie,
but... it turns out that we weren't going for it anyhow.
So, her house we went, and was actually thinking of sleep over!
I mean, sometimes it's nice to do something crazy.
Heck it. We're matured teens, and so,
if we act like drunkards ( ps,  I don't drink),
and sleep like one, without brushing out teeth,
or changing into pyjamas... hmmm.
I wonder...?
But that didn't turn out as well.
If it did, ... well, it just didn't.
But we didn't just want to have dinner
and leave.
We spent some time together.
Until 12.30 am.
Chat, Chat, Chat.
Play, Play, Play.
Smack, Smack, Smack.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh.
Ask, Ask, Ask.
Share, Share, Share.
Laugh again, Laugh again, Laugh again.
Had Fun, Fun, FUN!

It was pure joy.
Pure honesty,
and pure laughter.
Nobody faking up.
Not one frowning.
And no one actually did not have fun!
I don't know of the others,
but what my means of fun,
is me being ME.
Me being who I am,
the true Myself in Me.
With these amazing people
whom I gladly and proudly called as friends,
I could be me.
Honestly, you don't get to see me like that
when I'm with my family, church or strangers.
And I'm just hope they feel the same way as I did.
That feeling that ''hey man, don't be shy, we're friends.''

Dear friends, it's simple as ABC to know the fact
that I consider you guys as my friends.
Anything I can share with you guys,
including secrets,
from that moment on,
I place my trust on you,
'cause you were my friend all along.

And I hope we will be friends,
'till the very end of our days.
Love you guys!

Credits to Miss YT for the funny squeeze ride and the invitation.
Credits to Miss Evy for the warm welcome at her house 'till 12.30 am.
Credits to Miss W. SHN for the info. Get me updated really quick eh!
Credits to Gene and Hong for not making me the only guy there. Wakaka!
Thanks for making this night,
a night worth cherish. I couldn't get myself calm down from the excitement.
It sure is a night of Fun. XOXO
Take care and hope to see you guys again!


1 comment:

  1. you forget about one thing; heart-attack, heart-attack and more heart attack!! hahahah :)
