Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Army doesn't blog

Have you ever seen this guy,
handling this machine,
having the time to sit down,
think and
I don't think so,
unless, he is retired.
Well, FYI,
I'm going off to a
two-and a half months army camp.
Yes, we call it NS.
National Service.
Well, it's actually kind of cool.
You got to me wearing in uniforms.
March and do all sort of things you normally would not do.
And you got to make new friends, and have allowance!
Anyway, I'm interested to go there all for two reasons.
To be honest, I didn't want to choose,
it's the goverment chose me.
So, being one of the 30% chosen
in the entire Malaysia,
I thank the Lord for the oportunity.
And I felt that this is actually a blessing in disguise.
I can make new friends, and widen my knowledge,
and my perspective about life.
I got to know many different people from different races
and their way of thinking.
Plus, I can have more experiences.
That's what this is all about.
Hence, this would be like what,
a life time experience?
Yes, indeed.
And I am proud to say,
that I'll be back,
better than I was.
So, dear readers out there,
due to me in camp,
I may not be able to blog that frequent.
Sorry but there isn't any line in the dormitry.
So you can't really go online there.
Maybe, if God willing, I'll be back to my home for
Chinese New Year.
Well, after all, I am a chinese.
My army camp will end at 17th of March.
Sorry for not able to write until that day.
Have a blessed New Year and may God bless all of you.

Speak with your brain, if you still have one!

Okay, just for the sake of an opening,
LOOK AT THIS GUY ! He's Matt Lewis!
Seriously, I have to admit,
that he look good when
he's older than his
younger days.
I am sure a girl my age,
will most certainly fall in love
with that guy at the right hand side.
You know, I got a joke.
Say, if he had a girl friend in his young age,
and she dumped him,
she'll most probably regret it... right now!
Okay, back to the topic.
From this picture, I've learn something.
See, nowadays,
I noticed many among my friends,
seemed to only see,
judge and gossip about
someone they don't like.
Just because they didn't like
what they SAW,
makes them one of the freaks
who just know how to
talk, talk, and talk.
There is an old adage,
Those who speak the loudest and the most,
are somtimes, the most empty, in their head.
Well, notice that God make humans
with ONE mouth only.
Not two mouths and two tongues.
He gave us two eyes,
so that we should be seeing CLEARLY.
Not just by the image of what we see,
but the real character of someone.
And of course, all people have brains.
We used them to THINK!
Please, don't waste your brain,
and speak rubbish.
Plus, the Bible says something
about talking too much too.

In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin:
 but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
Proverbs 10:19

Yes, saying too much,
leads you to sin easily.
Saying too little is not good either
We should speak only the good things.
The beneficial words.
Words of encouragement,
building each other up,
not tearing apart.
We must speak using our brains.
Not just speaking for the sake of speaking,
neither talking for the sake of talking.
Use your brain that God had given to you.
Let it rot and it will rot your tongue and your image.
The Bible says,

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,
 but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 18:2

See? So, the next time you see someone,
be sure to think three times.
The Chinese adage says,
Think three times before taking action.
Therefore, beware,
for the tongue is shaper than a knife.
One word, it cut people's heart.
But rejoice, for the tongue is a magic.
One word, it can heal a broken soul.
Dear friends, listen,
use your tongue wisely.
Use  you words smartly.
Speak slowly and with wisdom.
Remember, those scars you leave
every time you speak,
will take a thousand years to heal.
So, speak with your brain, if you still have one!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yet I will REJOICE!

Don't we always hope and wish,
that we can smile like this girl,
for 24/7 ?
As if we were living in a trouble-free world?
It is impossible.
In fact, life, in our world,
can be very difficult.
At some point, 
most of us have wondered,
Where is God in my trouble?
We may have thought,
it seems like injustice is winning and...
God is silent.

We often would ask,
God, why me? Why? 

So, doesn't that sound... familiar?
Well, it is to me.
We humans, always  have the tendency,
to incline towards the negative side;
the what-I-call-it, complains.
We complain a lot.
Trust me, if  you want to see someone 
just get into my car, sit beside me,
and while I drive you a 15 minutes drive,
understand what is complaining all about. 
(Or else, try it with your parents, xD)
So, when we face troubles,
and we think that God doesn't care,
You see, when troubles come,
it's not the point of complaining to God alone,
but it's the way we see through with our problems.
Y'all get me?
See? Every one is like wearing a pair of specs.
Change the lenses as you change your way of viewing,
point of perspective towards  the troubles,
until, you are able to rejoice in it.
The best role model is the prophet Habakkuk. 
 This prophet had an attitude worth following:
He made the choice to rejoice in troubles.
Habakkuk saw the rapid increasing in his country's
moral and spiritual down fall.
This disturbed him deeply.
Yet, God's response troubled him even more.
God would eventually use the wicked Babylon
to punish his country, Judah.
Habakkuk did not fully understand this, but he rejoice in God.
He had learned to rely on the  
wisdom, justice and sovereignty of God.
Isn't amazing?
More over, Habakkuk concluded his part of the book in the Bible,
with a wonderful affirmation:
"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. ''
Habakkuk live by his faith in God alone.
He trust God to the utmost,
that even troubles come,
they are always in God's will.
And in that way, 
we too can REJOICE in our troubles.
We can't rely on man, 
as every man will fall one day.
But the eternal Father in heaven will never fall,
and will never let us down.
Even troubles come,
it is for the best, 
for the One up there,
see ALL things on earth,
as clear as crystal.
Dear friends, we too can rejoice in our trials,
have surefooted confidence in God,
and live on the heights of His sovereignty.
Be this the purpose of my soul
My solemn, my determined choice:
To yield in God's supreme control,
and in my every trial, REJOICE!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't Give Up!

Say, isn't this bring back memories?
Well, it definitely does, for me.
I was a fan, of Sesame Street.
They looked so cute,
They come in different sizes, colours and shapes.
Hahaha. And most of all,
it's a happy wonderland in Sesame Street!
You know, sometimes,
I picture myself in there,
where all I need to do, 
is to sing, play and have fun.
But that's the point.
This song, featuring Bruno Mars,
is a lively and yet meaningful song.
Don't give up.
Yes, in all things we do, 
do it will all your will,
all your heart and all your soul.
Say, who never fail before?
And we know for sure,
that we will always... do things,
in a way or the other,
not so perfect.
But Don't Give Up.
Never Give In to hardships, obstacles.
Be strong! =)
This holiday is coming to an end.
Well, at least for me.
Yeap, I was chosen to go for military/army training.
A three-month camp in the jungle.
Amazing right?
I myself is feeling so curious and excited.
Why, because, I am one of the 30%,
lucky people chosen out of the whole Malaysia.
Hahahaaha! Yes, I kind of, looking forward to it.
That's why, I find this video, Don't give up,
really really inspiring and encouraging.
When you're out away from home,
for a long time, plus, you're undergoing
''special'' training,
I might most probably complain,
and give up.
However, if we come to think of it,
to give up something so easily,
why, in the first place, we do it?
It's better for you Not to do it than to quit.
Some of my friends have low will power.
And they quit a lot.
To me, that doesn't surprise me,
but indeed, it disappoint me.
Life aren't always a bed of roses.
And we just got to face it.
My Mother always tell me,
''You can't run away from troubles all your life.
You may run away this time, but they will be a next time for sure.
Face it, and conquer it."
You agree?
Why, it all makes sense.
Rather than being a pussy-cat for your entire life,
come out, and be a tiger that man fears and respect.
Face your trouble.
Beat them flat.
And thank God for your strength.
For when you conquer your troubles, fears, obstacles, hardships,
there will always have honey-sweet rewards waiting for you ahead.

Don't Give Up, friends!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Real Christmas For You

* ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Christmas isn't Christmas 'til it happens in your heart
Somewhere, deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts
So, give your heart to Jesus, you'll discover when you do
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.

Jesus brings warmth like a winter fire, a light like a candles glow
He's waiting now to come inside, like He did so long ago
Jesus brings gifts of truth and life and makes them bloom and grow
So welcome Him with a song of joy, and when He comes you'll know

That Christmas isn't Christmas 'til it happens in your heart
Somewhere, deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts
So, give your heart to Jesus, you'll discover when you do
That it's Christmas, really Christmas

Christmas, really Christmas
Christmas, really Christmas for you!
 I don't think I can explain any further.
The beautiful song, sang by these lovely children,
said it all.
Indeed, Christmas is not Christmas, 
until Christmas really means something, to you,
in your heart. <3
You know, you will never know Christmas,
and you will never feel the real love of 
until you really know what Christmas is all about.
And to do so, you must accept Jesus Christ
into your heart.
There's no need to be shy,
or to run away from Jesus Christ;
He loves you, and He brings warmth,
like a winter fire,
like a candle glowing in the dark.
He loves you, and He brings you man's most
precious gift of all;
life, salvation and peace.
Christmas, isn't Christmas, 
when you don't have Jesus Christ in you.
Christmas, really is Christmas,
when you have Christ in you.
Merry Christmas to all of you
Jesus Christ loves you

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas; The Only Escape Route of Death

Medical researches are working,
and working, 
and working,
to find a cure for cancer,
a clue t o the mystery of Alzheimer's,
and ways to conquer a host of other debilitating diseases.
what if you awoke to headlines, saying,
Should you believe it?
Would you believe it??
Could you believe it???
The New Testament in the Bible,
proclaims that,
for the believer in Christ,
death has been destroyed 
-- reduced to inactivity
-- rendered to incapable of doing what it once did.

"So when this corruptible has put on
and this mortal has put on
then shall be brought to pass 
the saying that is written:
'Death is swallowed up in Victory' "
(Corinthians 15:54)
This GOOD news is for 
You hear me? 
To everyone who will receive it;
just as the angel told the shepherds when Jesus was born,
"Do not be afraid, for behold, 
I bring you good tidings of great joy
which will be to all people.
For there is born to you this day
in the city of David a Saviour,
who is Christ the Lord!"
(Luke 2:10-11) 
The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end for death.

"The sting is death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our
Lord Jesus Christ!"
(1 Corinthians 15:56-57)

And that's why we celebrate Christmas!!!

Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die.
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth. --Wesley

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas; The Pursue Of The Heavenly Love

Do you know
that God pursue us,
 rather than us
 pursuing God??
 This heavenly pursuits,
 is the uniqueness that God,
Himself had grant only to the races
of Adam and Eve.
the people today seems to go the other way round.
They have became the pursuer
instead of God;
they are now pursuing their so-called god,
ignoring God's pursuits for the people
that He love so much and He love so dear.
This people, as blind as a bat,
continue to pursue their god,
hoping that through good behaviour,
keeping of rituals, good works,
or other efforts,
they will be 'accepted' by the god 
they pursue...
Why, you people of the world!
Don't you notice that God, 
the Heavenly Pursuer,
is pursuing you,
standing patiently outside your heart,
constantly knocking at the door of your soul,
saying, "Dear brother, dear sister, why not you let me in?"
And how cruel, how bad, how stubborn we are,
The poet Francis Thompson catches the profound nature
of this reality,
when he writes of the relentless pursuit of God,
in his life.
His work, "The Hound Of Heaven",
writes that as he fled from God,
he couldn't outrun 

"those strong feet that followed... 
with unhurrying chase and unperturbed pace".

 Yet, God's untiring pursuit of the wayward
is not just Thompson's story,
but ours too.
At the heart of every man,
there's a wonderful truth of
God's pursuit of everyone of us.

As Paul affirms,
"God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,
born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law"
(Galations 4:4-5)

It's not just the Christmas story.
It's not just my story.
It's the story of God's pursuit or us!
Behold, His pursuit of me!
His pursuit of YOU!
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be
that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? -Wesley

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas; Peace on Earth

Few of us need convincing that we,
are living,
 in an uncertain world.
First, a hurricane hits Haiti.
Then, an earthquake strikes Christchurch, New Zealand.
Even before the dust can settle,
Japan is devastated with a quake and tsunami.
Throughout the world,
war and civil unrest abound.

We wonder, what's next?
We question, where's peace?
We may even doubt, if there is such thing,
as we known as...

In this uncertain world,
we definitely cannot find peace.
You may be living in a country without war,
and have a sound job,
living with a harmony family,
and enjoying your sweet happy life;
but... are you really peaceful?

Even so, no one can says that
he is happy today, will be happy,
to-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow.
We are living this uncertain life
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.
Man tried  their very best,
to live life in its most
'perfect' way;
still, in the end,
Satan managed to stir and play with our life,
making man lives in sins and agony.
To top it all off,
there is no peace at all in our heart,
especially when we know that death,
is just a breath away.
There is no peace,
because we do not know where are we going,
or what we'll become,
after we breath our last breath.
Indeed, there is no way, that
can be found in this weary world.

Behold, Lord Jesus came to this world,
so that man can receive peace.
On that very calm night,
the peace that man longs for,
finally poured to this surface of the earth,
showering all Adam's races.
While the angels sang Hallelujah,
Jesus was borned, and man is blessed!
Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace,
came to us, walked with us,
and even revealed God to us.
Man kind, finally, 
can gain peace, 
because Lord Jesus Christ had once,
died for us two thousand years ago.
But three days later, He rose to life,
conquering death and defeating Satan.
Jesus Christ brought eternal life to all of us,
so that we may have peace,
not only in this world,
but even so in our after-life.

That is what Christmas is all about.
Christmas is not about shopping,
exchanging gifts, great feast,
twinkling lights and tall pine tree,
party and dancing,
neither it is about
 that old Santa Claus with flying reindeers,
or the so-called Christmas spirits.
But Christmas is all about
the birth of Lord Jesus Christ;
the coming of the Prince of Peace,
and the arrival of salvation and peace,
to all man kind who live
an uncertain life,
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Today, all of us can have this peace.
We can have peace in our heart,
which we can find no where,
but only through Jesus Christ.
If we trust and believe in Him,
Jesus Christ will give us peace,
so that we will not be worry
and be trouble,
even though we are living
this uncertain life,
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.

7 Days of MBC Journey: Part 2; What I like most

Here I am, with both of my best new friends.
Told y'all I'll tell you guys my stories
about an awesome camp I just attended.
FYI, it's called the Malacca Bible Camp (30th).
I attended the Chinese's Section,
which was quite a challenge to me.
And I love it.
Part 2 of 7 Days in MBC,
is about WHAT I LIKE MOST.
You see, I heard people telling me,
"what? Why on earth did you attended that camp?
Hey, I heard that it's very STRICT!"
Now, let's see.
What camp is not strict?
I bet National Service is more strict than this MBC!
As a matter a fact, to be exact,
Y'all hear me?
'Cause it was strict,
And that's what made the camp good.
For example, they forced you to sleep at 11pm,
although it was kinda annoying,
but we were grateful,
as we were fresh and awake the next day.
And we were forced to be on time in all things,
because many exciting activities were waiting for us,
and we wouldn't want to miss it, right?
So, I represent all campers,
to deliver the camp committees,
a word of THANK YOU,
for those strict rules.

The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Proverbs 29:15

The next thing what I like most about this camp,
is the PURPOSE of the camp.
Obviously, Bible camp was about the bible.
The biblical teachings of the Lord,
His life, and being a Christians benefited me a lot.
But other than teaching, practical exercises were important too!
We were asked to do some jobs.
Wash toilets, helping in the kitchen and whatnots,
are just parts of the job.
We were also requested to clean up our dorms,
make sure it was clean all time.
And many many more.
All of these... jobs,
were actually GOOD.
I was trained to be independant,
responsible and hard work.
As a much senior camper,
I was also responsible to take care of those
little campers.
So, my patience was also, trained.
See, so many good values, morals
were groomed by just attending this 7-day camp.
It's tiring, but I'm happy,
'cause that proves that I am learning!
A thumbs up to all campers,
because I know all of us tried our best,
to do those jobs, and learned to the fullest, from this camp.

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40

The third thing I like most about this MBC
is the activites that were conducted.
Especially the Gospel Meetings
which were conducted every night during the camp.
I am telling you,
those gospel that was preached that day,
was magical.
You know why?
One night, as usual, I attended the gospel meeting.
I sat with a little boy, beside me.
Suddenly, while we were singing praises to the Lord,
he was called outside.
Then, when he came back,
he came back in tears.
My heart suddenly melted.
I cannot stand any one crying, especially little kids.
And right there, admist the singing crowd,
he was crying beside me.
And I just could not stand there,
ignoring him.
I quickly handed him a tissue,
but he refused.
I patted his shoulder,
but I didn't know what to say.
Should I say, "It's alright."?
NO, 'cause no way any one is crying when IT'S ALRIGHT.
Should I say, "don't cry."?
NO, 'cause that is so useless.
I asked him, and he told me,
between sobs,
"My...Mum... is sick, she can't come..."
Instantly, my heard was crashed.
Oh Lord, what should I do?
In the middle of this gospel meeting,
what could I possibly do??


Miracle happened.

After I prayed, the speaker immediately said that
he will be preaching the word of God
about the Resurrection of Lazarus.
Woah! A gospel about life, death, sickness and eternal life,
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's the best gospel that little boy,
could ever get.
Though he is just a little boy,
but I know,
deep down in my heart,
that he understood everything
the speaker preached about.
And I saw one beautiful thing......
the little boy smiled.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit...
Psalm 34:18
So, I think I should wrap up now.
In a nut shell, there are too much things that I like about.
But these three, are what I like most.
Of course, my new friends are what I love of this camp too.
There's too much love for them,
that I cannot write it out.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Your Future: Next Exit?

Wow! If only it was real!
If only life was that easy;
and if only
my future were planned out,
nice and smooth as the highway,
ready for me to take the ride to my future.
''Fortunately", we don't have that.
You don't see people go the life,
as was according it was planned.
You don't hear people saying,
"I will guarantee myself a doctor when I'm 25 years old".
And you definitly will not experience that,
of all Adam's races,
one would say he knew the future,
and followed the path he had known so far.
No, we do not know our future.
No body knows his future.
No soul is allow to understand tomorrow.
No one can possibly KNOW the hour coming later.
We are all, blinded from knowing the future.
You will say,
"hey, all of us know this, so stop crapping,
and gives us something we don't know."
Well, let me tell you that,
Sometimes, the things we thought we knew best,
turned out to be complete strangers to us.
What can I say? That's what humans all about.
Hence, do all things without pride as the element,
or you will learn lesser,
and you will lose more than you actualy know.
Speaking of learning,
I am having a dillema;
I just graduated from highschool (hooray!)
but now, I began to face a new problem.
You know, we are borned to learn.
Chinese says,
Learning has no bounderies;
like a sea without shores.
I know, I get it. I should go on studying.
Suddenly, randomly, simultaneously,
all of these annoying question popped out.
My mind is full of question marks,
God-knows-what answers and suggestions.
Like a lost sheep, I wonder hopelessly.
I am sitll 17 years old.
So... oh well, I am still a lost sheep.
Dad brought me to the Education Fair.
Well, guess what, I GOT EVEN LOST!
So many collegeous, universities, people, courses, bla bla bla...!!!
ARH!!! Stop it!
So... all I did was I took everyone's liflets...
like a beggar robbing food from everyone.

I just realized,
 that a little student's life is SO freaking simple!
'Cause you don't need to worry;
 after you're graduated!
Dont get me wrong.
I love my graduation.
I adore that moment.
Like a dove, set free into the sky.
And that's where I am,
at the intersection point.
Right? Left? Straight ahead? Turn around?
I got no GPS in my hands.
I have no map.
And I seriously cannot see any sign saying

I don't need to stress on how awesome a child is.
I told that story... not long ago.
Oh well, that's life.
And we should be thankful, grateful and happy;
we are still breathing, to make choices.
Some lay at their death bed,
just wishing they can still have one more breath,
after the other.
I will not complain any further.
But I will pray to my heavenly Father.
For His guidance, I may live my life to the fullest ever,
as I take the best path of my future-way.
There is one verse I would really love to share.
It's my favourite verse, it's my favourite phrase of wisdom,
it's from the proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Isn't that comforting?
I don't care if my path ahead of me is crooked, damned or swirled;
all I need to do is to trust the Lord.
Well, it's comforting to me.
'Cause as I know my father loves me,
and He's my heavenly Father,
that a father will never hurt his own child,
instead offers the best to his own child.

So, tell me, do you know YOUR future?
If you know, you're lying.
If you think you know, good to hear that.
If you are very confident your future is as planned, bravo!
But behold, have you not fail once,
or fell down once in your entire life?
Well, if you don't know your future,
there's no shame about it.
But do not be afraid,
for Jesus had promised us that,
He'll always be with us,
no matter where we are.

Dear friends,
...Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified;
 do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:9)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Only a Sketch

In the 
Weight of Glory, by C.S. Lewis,
tells a story of a woman who gave birth
to a son while confined as a prisoner in a dungeon.
Since the boy had never seen the outside world,
his mother tried to describe it by making pencil drawings.
Later when he and his mother were released from prison,
the simple pencil sketches were replaced by the actual images
of our Beautiful world.
In a similar way, the inspired picture the Bible gives us of heaven will,
someday, be replaced by joyful, 
direct experience. The first hand experience,
is better than anything that is good in this world;
Paul understood this fact, and that our perception if heaven,
is limited until one day, in the future,
when we will be in Christ's presence.
"Now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." 
(1 Corinthians 13:12)
Yet Paul's confidence in future that the sufferings in the midst of trials:
"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be 
even compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)
Our current idea of the glories of heaven, 
is just, only, a simple sketch.
Yet, we can be completely confident in Jesus,
and in Jesus' claim that He has gone to heaven, 
to prepare a place for us. (John 14:1-3)
Behold, the best is yet to come! 
Sometimes, I grow homesick of heaven,
and the glories I there shall behold;
O, what a joy that will be when my Savior I see,
in that beautiful city of gold!
Dear Readers, it's only a sketch.
Life, as it is, is like a show.
We now live in sketch. 
But one day, we'll see the real deal. 



Saturday, December 17, 2011

7 Days of MBC Journey: Part 1

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

From 11th of December to 17th of December, I had attended the Malacca Bible Camp (Chinese), which, obviously, is held in Malacca. The venue was in Malacca Gospel Hall. That was the second time I stepped into this church. But it was a long time ago, 10 years, if not mistaken. That time, we could see the view of the sea from the entrance of the church building. But now, after 10 years, the sea had became land. New houses and shops were built. I merely could even recognize the place. Thank God dad had his GPS, if not, haha. we'll be lost in this concrete jungle. Anyhow, we managed to found Malacca Gospel Hall. One look at it, I could feel the atmosphere I once felt, 10 years ago. The building is still the same 2-storey tall, and a small compound for parking. Indeed, this humble place had not change, just like it had been in the last 10 years. You know, this reminded me of God Himself. People changed, places changed, the world changed, but only God Himself do not change; and that's why we can trust Him ultimately, because His love for us never change. God is the only one we could depend on when all things fade away.

Honestly, I was forced to come to this camp. I mean, "hey, I have no friends here, I don't know anyone. I seldom read Chinese Bible and well, it's a 7-day camp. I rather be at home, near my friends, with my computer!" But still, the other half of me  was in curiosity of this camp. I wanted to look for new friends, and of course, learn God's word. Although my heart was in war, but still, I surrendered to my Dad and Mum's will, and the Lord's will, that I should attend this camp. With this act of obedience, I was greatly reward. And I am eternally grateful to both of my parents and to my heavenly Father. I made new friends, and every one of them are very nice and unique. I learned many things; from God's word (the Bible) to responsibilities. We learned the book of Hebrew, mainly of the superior characters of Jesus Christ, and the great faith we can have in Him. I also learned the way of living as a Christ-like's teen's life; based on the verse, 1 Timothy 4:12, " Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." And thus, we were taught to practice our Christian life.I'll stretched more on what I learned, but for now, I want you to see that I really learned a lot of stuffs. That reminded me of Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus Christ as the son of the heavenly Father, obediently obeyed the Father's will, to die on the cross, so that He could take our sins away. And because of that, we can live forever; Hallelujah! Jesus was dead, but was risen to life after 3 days! And for that reason, we can have our hope on our ultimate powerful Savior who conquered death and give life.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish ,but have everlasting life." Amen!


There were 2 topics in this camp. The first one was about our practical life as a Christian. Based on this verse:
1 Timothy 4:12, " Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 
 We are all teenagers. and thus, we have to set an example to others, in speech, in our actions (conduct), in the love for all men kind, in our faith towards God and in the purity of our life. 
Whereas in the second topic, which is about the study of the book of Hebrew. We learned ever chapters and every verse, and to my utmost surprise, I found out that there are so many things we can learned, just from one book in the whole Bible. Hebrew enrich my knowledge, strengthen my faith and uphold me in my trust in Jesus Christ. I blessed His words to me, and I thank God for the book of Hebrew.
 From both of this lessons, I realized the the Bible is like a goldmine. You know, at a goldmine, you can't just simple scratch the surface. You got to dig deeper, 'cause that's wear the real deal, those precious diamonds and gold are buried, deep in the ground. Similarly, when you start to study the Bible seriously, you are as digging the word of God, searching for the real meaning and the awesome things God gives to us -- His words of life. From this camp, I am boosted to study the word of God, so that I can get my gold, not only for myself, but for my friends and family, and to others too.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God. 
 Hebrew 6:1