Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Speak with your brain, if you still have one!

Okay, just for the sake of an opening,
LOOK AT THIS GUY ! He's Matt Lewis!
Seriously, I have to admit,
that he look good when
he's older than his
younger days.
I am sure a girl my age,
will most certainly fall in love
with that guy at the right hand side.
You know, I got a joke.
Say, if he had a girl friend in his young age,
and she dumped him,
she'll most probably regret it... right now!
Okay, back to the topic.
From this picture, I've learn something.
See, nowadays,
I noticed many among my friends,
seemed to only see,
judge and gossip about
someone they don't like.
Just because they didn't like
what they SAW,
makes them one of the freaks
who just know how to
talk, talk, and talk.
There is an old adage,
Those who speak the loudest and the most,
are somtimes, the most empty, in their head.
Well, notice that God make humans
with ONE mouth only.
Not two mouths and two tongues.
He gave us two eyes,
so that we should be seeing CLEARLY.
Not just by the image of what we see,
but the real character of someone.
And of course, all people have brains.
We used them to THINK!
Please, don't waste your brain,
and speak rubbish.
Plus, the Bible says something
about talking too much too.

In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin:
 but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
Proverbs 10:19

Yes, saying too much,
leads you to sin easily.
Saying too little is not good either
We should speak only the good things.
The beneficial words.
Words of encouragement,
building each other up,
not tearing apart.
We must speak using our brains.
Not just speaking for the sake of speaking,
neither talking for the sake of talking.
Use your brain that God had given to you.
Let it rot and it will rot your tongue and your image.
The Bible says,

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,
 but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 18:2

See? So, the next time you see someone,
be sure to think three times.
The Chinese adage says,
Think three times before taking action.
Therefore, beware,
for the tongue is shaper than a knife.
One word, it cut people's heart.
But rejoice, for the tongue is a magic.
One word, it can heal a broken soul.
Dear friends, listen,
use your tongue wisely.
Use  you words smartly.
Speak slowly and with wisdom.
Remember, those scars you leave
every time you speak,
will take a thousand years to heal.
So, speak with your brain, if you still have one!

1 comment:

  1. Well said. so for the year to come, take this as your challenge? *action speaks louder than word*
