Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yet I will REJOICE!

Don't we always hope and wish,
that we can smile like this girl,
for 24/7 ?
As if we were living in a trouble-free world?
It is impossible.
In fact, life, in our world,
can be very difficult.
At some point, 
most of us have wondered,
Where is God in my trouble?
We may have thought,
it seems like injustice is winning and...
God is silent.

We often would ask,
God, why me? Why? 

So, doesn't that sound... familiar?
Well, it is to me.
We humans, always  have the tendency,
to incline towards the negative side;
the what-I-call-it, complains.
We complain a lot.
Trust me, if  you want to see someone 
just get into my car, sit beside me,
and while I drive you a 15 minutes drive,
understand what is complaining all about. 
(Or else, try it with your parents, xD)
So, when we face troubles,
and we think that God doesn't care,
You see, when troubles come,
it's not the point of complaining to God alone,
but it's the way we see through with our problems.
Y'all get me?
See? Every one is like wearing a pair of specs.
Change the lenses as you change your way of viewing,
point of perspective towards  the troubles,
until, you are able to rejoice in it.
The best role model is the prophet Habakkuk. 
 This prophet had an attitude worth following:
He made the choice to rejoice in troubles.
Habakkuk saw the rapid increasing in his country's
moral and spiritual down fall.
This disturbed him deeply.
Yet, God's response troubled him even more.
God would eventually use the wicked Babylon
to punish his country, Judah.
Habakkuk did not fully understand this, but he rejoice in God.
He had learned to rely on the  
wisdom, justice and sovereignty of God.
Isn't amazing?
More over, Habakkuk concluded his part of the book in the Bible,
with a wonderful affirmation:
"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. ''
Habakkuk live by his faith in God alone.
He trust God to the utmost,
that even troubles come,
they are always in God's will.
And in that way, 
we too can REJOICE in our troubles.
We can't rely on man, 
as every man will fall one day.
But the eternal Father in heaven will never fall,
and will never let us down.
Even troubles come,
it is for the best, 
for the One up there,
see ALL things on earth,
as clear as crystal.
Dear friends, we too can rejoice in our trials,
have surefooted confidence in God,
and live on the heights of His sovereignty.
Be this the purpose of my soul
My solemn, my determined choice:
To yield in God's supreme control,
and in my every trial, REJOICE!


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