Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't Give Up!

Say, isn't this bring back memories?
Well, it definitely does, for me.
I was a fan, of Sesame Street.
They looked so cute,
They come in different sizes, colours and shapes.
Hahaha. And most of all,
it's a happy wonderland in Sesame Street!
You know, sometimes,
I picture myself in there,
where all I need to do, 
is to sing, play and have fun.
But that's the point.
This song, featuring Bruno Mars,
is a lively and yet meaningful song.
Don't give up.
Yes, in all things we do, 
do it will all your will,
all your heart and all your soul.
Say, who never fail before?
And we know for sure,
that we will always... do things,
in a way or the other,
not so perfect.
But Don't Give Up.
Never Give In to hardships, obstacles.
Be strong! =)
This holiday is coming to an end.
Well, at least for me.
Yeap, I was chosen to go for military/army training.
A three-month camp in the jungle.
Amazing right?
I myself is feeling so curious and excited.
Why, because, I am one of the 30%,
lucky people chosen out of the whole Malaysia.
Hahahaaha! Yes, I kind of, looking forward to it.
That's why, I find this video, Don't give up,
really really inspiring and encouraging.
When you're out away from home,
for a long time, plus, you're undergoing
''special'' training,
I might most probably complain,
and give up.
However, if we come to think of it,
to give up something so easily,
why, in the first place, we do it?
It's better for you Not to do it than to quit.
Some of my friends have low will power.
And they quit a lot.
To me, that doesn't surprise me,
but indeed, it disappoint me.
Life aren't always a bed of roses.
And we just got to face it.
My Mother always tell me,
''You can't run away from troubles all your life.
You may run away this time, but they will be a next time for sure.
Face it, and conquer it."
You agree?
Why, it all makes sense.
Rather than being a pussy-cat for your entire life,
come out, and be a tiger that man fears and respect.
Face your trouble.
Beat them flat.
And thank God for your strength.
For when you conquer your troubles, fears, obstacles, hardships,
there will always have honey-sweet rewards waiting for you ahead.

Don't Give Up, friends!

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