Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Your Future: Next Exit?

Wow! If only it was real!
If only life was that easy;
and if only
my future were planned out,
nice and smooth as the highway,
ready for me to take the ride to my future.
''Fortunately", we don't have that.
You don't see people go the life,
as was according it was planned.
You don't hear people saying,
"I will guarantee myself a doctor when I'm 25 years old".
And you definitly will not experience that,
of all Adam's races,
one would say he knew the future,
and followed the path he had known so far.
No, we do not know our future.
No body knows his future.
No soul is allow to understand tomorrow.
No one can possibly KNOW the hour coming later.
We are all, blinded from knowing the future.
You will say,
"hey, all of us know this, so stop crapping,
and gives us something we don't know."
Well, let me tell you that,
Sometimes, the things we thought we knew best,
turned out to be complete strangers to us.
What can I say? That's what humans all about.
Hence, do all things without pride as the element,
or you will learn lesser,
and you will lose more than you actualy know.
Speaking of learning,
I am having a dillema;
I just graduated from highschool (hooray!)
but now, I began to face a new problem.
You know, we are borned to learn.
Chinese says,
Learning has no bounderies;
like a sea without shores.
I know, I get it. I should go on studying.
Suddenly, randomly, simultaneously,
all of these annoying question popped out.
My mind is full of question marks,
God-knows-what answers and suggestions.
Like a lost sheep, I wonder hopelessly.
I am sitll 17 years old.
So... oh well, I am still a lost sheep.
Dad brought me to the Education Fair.
Well, guess what, I GOT EVEN LOST!
So many collegeous, universities, people, courses, bla bla bla...!!!
ARH!!! Stop it!
So... all I did was I took everyone's liflets...
like a beggar robbing food from everyone.

I just realized,
 that a little student's life is SO freaking simple!
'Cause you don't need to worry;
 after you're graduated!
Dont get me wrong.
I love my graduation.
I adore that moment.
Like a dove, set free into the sky.
And that's where I am,
at the intersection point.
Right? Left? Straight ahead? Turn around?
I got no GPS in my hands.
I have no map.
And I seriously cannot see any sign saying

I don't need to stress on how awesome a child is.
I told that story... not long ago.
Oh well, that's life.
And we should be thankful, grateful and happy;
we are still breathing, to make choices.
Some lay at their death bed,
just wishing they can still have one more breath,
after the other.
I will not complain any further.
But I will pray to my heavenly Father.
For His guidance, I may live my life to the fullest ever,
as I take the best path of my future-way.
There is one verse I would really love to share.
It's my favourite verse, it's my favourite phrase of wisdom,
it's from the proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Isn't that comforting?
I don't care if my path ahead of me is crooked, damned or swirled;
all I need to do is to trust the Lord.
Well, it's comforting to me.
'Cause as I know my father loves me,
and He's my heavenly Father,
that a father will never hurt his own child,
instead offers the best to his own child.

So, tell me, do you know YOUR future?
If you know, you're lying.
If you think you know, good to hear that.
If you are very confident your future is as planned, bravo!
But behold, have you not fail once,
or fell down once in your entire life?
Well, if you don't know your future,
there's no shame about it.
But do not be afraid,
for Jesus had promised us that,
He'll always be with us,
no matter where we are.

Dear friends,
...Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified;
 do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:9)


  1. Hey, Shoon. I really love your posts 'cause they're as deep as Wee Kye's! :D Your blogskin is kinda hard to manage, though. :/ Anyway, keep updating 'cause I'll be reading! :D
