Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Days of MBC Journey: Part 2; What I like most

Here I am, with both of my best new friends.
Told y'all I'll tell you guys my stories
about an awesome camp I just attended.
FYI, it's called the Malacca Bible Camp (30th).
I attended the Chinese's Section,
which was quite a challenge to me.
And I love it.
Part 2 of 7 Days in MBC,
is about WHAT I LIKE MOST.
You see, I heard people telling me,
"what? Why on earth did you attended that camp?
Hey, I heard that it's very STRICT!"
Now, let's see.
What camp is not strict?
I bet National Service is more strict than this MBC!
As a matter a fact, to be exact,
Y'all hear me?
'Cause it was strict,
And that's what made the camp good.
For example, they forced you to sleep at 11pm,
although it was kinda annoying,
but we were grateful,
as we were fresh and awake the next day.
And we were forced to be on time in all things,
because many exciting activities were waiting for us,
and we wouldn't want to miss it, right?
So, I represent all campers,
to deliver the camp committees,
a word of THANK YOU,
for those strict rules.

The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Proverbs 29:15

The next thing what I like most about this camp,
is the PURPOSE of the camp.
Obviously, Bible camp was about the bible.
The biblical teachings of the Lord,
His life, and being a Christians benefited me a lot.
But other than teaching, practical exercises were important too!
We were asked to do some jobs.
Wash toilets, helping in the kitchen and whatnots,
are just parts of the job.
We were also requested to clean up our dorms,
make sure it was clean all time.
And many many more.
All of these... jobs,
were actually GOOD.
I was trained to be independant,
responsible and hard work.
As a much senior camper,
I was also responsible to take care of those
little campers.
So, my patience was also, trained.
See, so many good values, morals
were groomed by just attending this 7-day camp.
It's tiring, but I'm happy,
'cause that proves that I am learning!
A thumbs up to all campers,
because I know all of us tried our best,
to do those jobs, and learned to the fullest, from this camp.

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40

The third thing I like most about this MBC
is the activites that were conducted.
Especially the Gospel Meetings
which were conducted every night during the camp.
I am telling you,
those gospel that was preached that day,
was magical.
You know why?
One night, as usual, I attended the gospel meeting.
I sat with a little boy, beside me.
Suddenly, while we were singing praises to the Lord,
he was called outside.
Then, when he came back,
he came back in tears.
My heart suddenly melted.
I cannot stand any one crying, especially little kids.
And right there, admist the singing crowd,
he was crying beside me.
And I just could not stand there,
ignoring him.
I quickly handed him a tissue,
but he refused.
I patted his shoulder,
but I didn't know what to say.
Should I say, "It's alright."?
NO, 'cause no way any one is crying when IT'S ALRIGHT.
Should I say, "don't cry."?
NO, 'cause that is so useless.
I asked him, and he told me,
between sobs,
"My...Mum... is sick, she can't come..."
Instantly, my heard was crashed.
Oh Lord, what should I do?
In the middle of this gospel meeting,
what could I possibly do??


Miracle happened.

After I prayed, the speaker immediately said that
he will be preaching the word of God
about the Resurrection of Lazarus.
Woah! A gospel about life, death, sickness and eternal life,
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's the best gospel that little boy,
could ever get.
Though he is just a little boy,
but I know,
deep down in my heart,
that he understood everything
the speaker preached about.
And I saw one beautiful thing......
the little boy smiled.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit...
Psalm 34:18
So, I think I should wrap up now.
In a nut shell, there are too much things that I like about.
But these three, are what I like most.
Of course, my new friends are what I love of this camp too.
There's too much love for them,
that I cannot write it out.

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