Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas; Peace on Earth

Few of us need convincing that we,
are living,
 in an uncertain world.
First, a hurricane hits Haiti.
Then, an earthquake strikes Christchurch, New Zealand.
Even before the dust can settle,
Japan is devastated with a quake and tsunami.
Throughout the world,
war and civil unrest abound.

We wonder, what's next?
We question, where's peace?
We may even doubt, if there is such thing,
as we known as...

In this uncertain world,
we definitely cannot find peace.
You may be living in a country without war,
and have a sound job,
living with a harmony family,
and enjoying your sweet happy life;
but... are you really peaceful?

Even so, no one can says that
he is happy today, will be happy,
to-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow.
We are living this uncertain life
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.
Man tried  their very best,
to live life in its most
'perfect' way;
still, in the end,
Satan managed to stir and play with our life,
making man lives in sins and agony.
To top it all off,
there is no peace at all in our heart,
especially when we know that death,
is just a breath away.
There is no peace,
because we do not know where are we going,
or what we'll become,
after we breath our last breath.
Indeed, there is no way, that
can be found in this weary world.

Behold, Lord Jesus came to this world,
so that man can receive peace.
On that very calm night,
the peace that man longs for,
finally poured to this surface of the earth,
showering all Adam's races.
While the angels sang Hallelujah,
Jesus was borned, and man is blessed!
Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace,
came to us, walked with us,
and even revealed God to us.
Man kind, finally, 
can gain peace, 
because Lord Jesus Christ had once,
died for us two thousand years ago.
But three days later, He rose to life,
conquering death and defeating Satan.
Jesus Christ brought eternal life to all of us,
so that we may have peace,
not only in this world,
but even so in our after-life.

That is what Christmas is all about.
Christmas is not about shopping,
exchanging gifts, great feast,
twinkling lights and tall pine tree,
party and dancing,
neither it is about
 that old Santa Claus with flying reindeers,
or the so-called Christmas spirits.
But Christmas is all about
the birth of Lord Jesus Christ;
the coming of the Prince of Peace,
and the arrival of salvation and peace,
to all man kind who live
an uncertain life,
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Today, all of us can have this peace.
We can have peace in our heart,
which we can find no where,
but only through Jesus Christ.
If we trust and believe in Him,
Jesus Christ will give us peace,
so that we will not be worry
and be trouble,
even though we are living
this uncertain life,
in this uncertain world,
with an uncertain to-morrow.

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