Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, April 3, 2020

Reposting: Journey becoming a doctor

It is a dream come true.

It is a prayer answered by God.

It is, literally, living in the dream; my dream.


After my first EOB (End of Block exam), only had I the time to actually sit down, relaxed, and think of something to do beside studying. Since I love documenting my personal life, I thought, "Why not blog my life as a medical student in Unimas?" 

So here I am. 

Here is a little background before I start anything else.

First of all, I am currently undertaking the First year Medicine undergraduate course in University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Unimas is situated in Samarahan, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Unimas is very beautiful and HUGE. I think it is because Sarawak has excessive land and less development like in West Malaysia, hence are able to build really huge university in really huge piece of land, and still have excess land. As a West Malaysian, coming to East Malaysia has its pros and cons. But that would be share later. 

The medicine course in Unimas takes a total of 5 years, 2 pre-clinical years and 3 clinical years. I am so grateful because I am the first batch to ever get to use the newly built Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Unimas. Before the building was completed, the seniors had to study in Kuching due to insufficient teaching facilities. For that 2 pre-clinical years, medical students are to stay in the campus where as for the 3 clinical years, we are to move out of campus and live in Kuching town as it is closer to the Kuching General Hospital. The faculty is so new that it was just recently officialise by our Malaysia Deputy Prime Minster (TPM); and that is for another story.

So I came in on 24 September 2014, as one of the few second intake students. Apparently, I am the only Christian Chinese boy... Well, not surprising as in 124 students in our class, there are only approximately (I never really took the time to count) 30+ male students, and among that, about a third are Chinese.

Before I arrived to Unimas, I had 9 long months of finding myself (lol, search my soul?). I dived into all sorts of activities. One of them is Vlogging in YouTube. I thought I could be able to vlog my way to Unimas, but it turned out that I was too busy. So busy that eating and sleeping is almost impossible, let alone vlog. So I had to let go my channel TEMPORARILY. I told myself, as soon as I finish my first block, I must, at least, vlog once!

if you are wondering what is the block thingy I mentioned, blocks are actually equivalent to semesters in other faculties. The only difference (and it's huge) is that we do not get what typical semester students get -- SEM BREAK. Because there is no such thing as BLOCK BREAK (although that would sound cool). In the span of the first year courses, they are divided into 5 blocks. And on the 31/10/14, is the last day of the first block. The first block is called the Foundation Block, and as the name imply, it is to set our foundation for the future blocks and topics in medicine. Normally the block ends with EOB (end of block exam). Make sense right? You study, you sit for exam, done. So ya, hope you get what block is now.

On Monday, we are going to start a new block. Block 2 is called the Man in Environment, and it basically is about pathology, microbes, parasites, and a bit of pharmacology. I have go through the lectures topics, and there are SO MANY things to remember. Well, we had to learn many things in foundation block as well, but this is plain new, so it will be a challenge.

I honestly cannot promise to vlog frequently, especially when the busyness of a medical student is not platue but increasing exponentially! But still I cannot let this experience and events that happened in my life in Unimas as a medical student just slipped through. I am an information hogger. Sorry, not information, memories are more accurate. In Block 1, I have hand-written down my days (EVERY DAY) in my little diary. But I do not just want to keep my memories in a small book that might get lost, or consume by nasty ants, or... you know.

I have no idea why am I crapping in this introduction to this blog. As every day has 24 hours, so will I try MY BEST to write in my diary every day.

Hopefully after 5 years in Unimas, I can look back and be glad that I actually wrote down all these now-as-nonsenses, later-as-memories stories.

Mother are slightly worried that medicine might be too hard for me. But this is my passion. I understand her worries, but I know my God had shown me the way. His way for my life. Becoming a medical doctor is not only what I dream to be, but also the will of the Lord. Yes, I admit that I will not have a bed of roses in these 5 years, but what last do not come easy, and what comes easy do not last. I would love to end this introduction of this blog/diary with a bible verse. May my Lord bless my writing of this blog, as I commit this into His hands, in the course of these 5 years.

"Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.Isaiah 40:30-31


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