Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Monday, November 12, 2012

what is chemistry?

I've always been very super curious
of how people react to certain question.
And so I did an experiment.
I asked something on Facebook. 
I am proud to share my results with you guys. Enjoy.


what is chemistry?

A: a subject tat can kill one's brain cells .-.-

B: chemistry lar ==

C: chemical science, research on how the world be.

D: something make me cry?

E: The study on the properties, structure, relationships and reactions of atoms.... I forget part of it 

F: knowledge~

G: The study of atomic stucture~

H: what is that? can eat?

I: Study of atomic structure and its properties ? haha

J: his 1 is form 4 syllabus xD. 

K: knowledge that can improve our human's life?

L: Chemistry is study of things that is closely related to our lives. 

M: a study of the structure of the atoms and molecules , their chemical and physical properties and their relation (chemical reaction)

N: Studies that deals with matter, chemical, reaction between matter. Btw, I'm not taking chemistry now lol

O: a subject that has to be taught by Pn Sunita

P: Love between two people. IDK but that's the first thing that entered my mind, haha.

Q: chemistry, only for humans... 

R: A study of reactions between two compunds

S: Hmm...What's chemistry? Can i eat it? lolololol

T: Study of chemicals? HAHA :B

U: Chemical study

So much so that we can see from the only one simple word,
we can see how people's reaction.
Different REACTIONS to a same situation.
Isn't fascinating?
Well, that's what so special about us, humans.
Indeed God has wonderfully and fearfully made all man
in His own image.
We are not complex-animals.
We are not the evolution of some stupid apes.
We are certainly not some junk that live a pointless life on earth.

Each of us is special.
Look of yourself.
We humans are not like mathematics equation,
where 1 + 1 =  2
When given the same situation,
same condition,
same time restriction,
and same question,
That's because we are all different.
No one is the same kind.
Every one is ONE kind.
Yet, everyone is of its different kind.

Well, if you are more into detail,
you can see some people just joke around,
(giving quite idiotic answers)
some people are serious and straightforward,
(giving quite educated answers)
some people are very creative,
(giving the non-scientific definition of chemistry)
and some people are just plain honest,
(telling others they hate chemistry rather than answering the question)
and also some people with no logic
(giving answer not relevant at all or whatsoever).


it is a wonderful thing!

That proves we are not robots.
we have feelings.
we have our own opinions.
we have our own thoughts.
we are all different.
we all have the rights.
we are fearfully and wonderfully made
specially by God.
that makes us humans.
that makes this world so interesting.

we are special.  
i am special.
are you special?

hope you enjoy!
please comment and give some feedback!
i hope to do more interesting research on man's behavior.




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