Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Life's too short!


Reading back my stories
just a few days ago
makes me think.
What this girl wrote,
is like a thunder bolt
hitting me,
as if it was saying,'
" Cut it off, man,

Ouch? That hurt.
I mean, it's true.
I was doing nothing
but complaining.
Pointing fingers at God
or the unknown future
or just something I don't have
is not the right thing to do
at this moment.
Life is definitely too short.
You do see it, don't you?
I mean, let's see.
!0 years ago, I was still in primary school.
Then I moved to my new house.
5 years ago, I got into high school.
And just last year, I just finished
my 11 years of school days.
I mean, just look at it!
In a blink of an eye,
time just passed us.
The breeze of time,
just kissed my cheek,
and as it touched by,
it said Good-bye.
How poignant, isn't?
Life is just too short.
If you're lucky, you'll live to 70.
If you're truly blessed, maybe 90.
If you eat super healthy, maybe 100.
That, to me, is the maximum;
since my great-grandma lived to 100,
I really limit human to 100.
Anyway, some just passed away before 70.
There's no guarantee.
So, if you observe carefully,
that days we lived by,
are like seconds, 
just simply ticking itself away.
That's why,
procrastination is not the way of living.
Heck you, procrastinates!
Life is simply too short to be sitting down
We must be happy all the time.
Satisfy is the only answer.
Tell me which rich man who never satisfy is happy?
I tell you,
even the beggars will be more happy
to be just eating scraps by the roadside,
if they are satisfy that they have food to eat,
compared to filthy rich fat man who never learns
the meaning of satisfaction.

SO, what's the point of complaining?
Live your life with gladness.
Enjoy it while you may.
Like they say, 
Live it to the fullest.
Go after your dreams.
Fulfill your destiny.
Reach your goals.
And be sure,
that after living this short life,
you'll know where is your destination
as you live life after death.
All I can say,
is that Jesus is the Life.
Believe in Him,
and you'll not only have the fullest life on earth,
but you'll be sure to live in the life after death.

Dear friends,
Life's too short!
I don't care how you live it,


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