Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, January 22, 2012

PLKN DAYS #4; 2 Weeks, 2 Lessons

This is the story of me, 
learning two big things,
within these 2 weeks of NS camp.
The day I stepped into NS camp Paya Indah,
it had been two whole weeks.
Yes, in these 14 days, there had been many 
many challenges, emotions changes and feelings.
Complicated yet inspiring,
I realized that all these times at home,
I was nothing more but like a king.
And now, I am learning to be a human.
A human that can survive in the outside world.


That's my first lesson.
Yes, so many rules and regulations 
that are entangling us in the camp.
So, when you were given
even a tiny bitsy of mercy,
seconds of grace period,
loosen the punishment a little,
letting go a strand of stress off,
makes you breath... less stress.
And that's what I thank God for.
For example, 
our practice of the marching.
Under the hottest sun in the afternoon,
even a 5-minutes break 
will give us a break to smile.
As comparison to my life back there,
I think I took for granted of ...
well, almost everything.
At home, I did not need to queue for meals.
Instead, my mother was the one who,
would eventually keep on calling us to enjoy our 
lovely and warm dinner.
But in NS camp, no way man.
You don't get call for dinner;
you got to get to the canteen on time,
or you'll go hungry!
You don't get to sit down straight away 
with your delicious food on your table,
all well served.
You have to make a bee line 
just to have that miserable dinner.
Needless to say, the food there will never
I mean NEVER 
can match the feast I had at home.


So, what's keeping me all the way?
Well, I'll tell you.
And that's the God's word that are
upholding me all the way,
giving me strength to overcome 
all these... challenges.

In Romans 8:28,
''And we know that all things work together for good 
to them that love God, 
to them who are the called according to his purpose.''

That's why, I see this as my Lord's purpose for me.
And I know all things will work well, eventually.
And that's when I can properly... smile.



 PLKN, or NS, is likely,
a storm in my life.
 I'm the vessel, and 
hallelujah, Jesus Christ is with me!
Jesus is with me, always
because His name is Immanuel. 
And because of that,
I can smile in the vessel in the storm.
I had learned to slowly enjoy
and see the bright side of everything.
Just like in reality,
there will always be ups and downs.
And at every trials and difficulties,
we must inclined our trust to the One
who created the Heavens and the Earth,
and once died for us for our salvation.
Yes, the Lord is my strength,
and the Lord is my refuge.
With Him, all things are possible.
Thus, as fragile as humans could be,
we should always cast all our worries to him.
1 Peter 5:7,
''Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."

And with that, Lord Jesus Christ leave us
with a promise to all mankind.
That whoever needs Him, 
and desire to cast their care upon Him,
they can do it whenever and where ever.
That's because Jesus never leave us.
Matthew 28:20,
''... I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen''

Thus, I am never alone.
And so are you, my friend.



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