Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, December 9, 2011

起立, 行礼, 老师好! 2011 6M's Awesome Reunion

Proud of being 2006 Pandamaran B's 6M, SAY CHEESE! 
That's us. In the last five years, we had depart in our own way. All of us have our very own personalities and stories. But that very fateful and blessed day, we had get to gather; not as many, but as one.
6M, full of wonderful people with special bonds and relationships between us. That's the spirit of 6M.
I can't really describe it, 'cause it's not a thing, but a feeling. A bond. A relationship. The love of 6M.

Indeed, we had waited for this very night to come. Since a year ago, I had been visualizing this night. But, to my utmost surprise and comfort, our reunion turned out to be something I had never expected; the outcome was not in my expectation; IT WAS BETTER THAN WHAT I THOUGHT I MIGHT BE!
And for that, I really thank God for His grace and mercy upon us, that night.

Thursday morning, 8th of December, 2011, was a rainy day. Not heavy, just drizzling. 
"I hope it wouldn't worsen tonight." I thought to myself. 
Why, we were going to have our long-wait reunion that night. In my good friend, JJ's house.But the rain was not something bad, instead, it was shower of blessings. That very night, we enjoyed a cool and calm night. Haha, so much for the rain! XD
So, our reunion was scheduled from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. But of course, as everyone knows, the party will never start early, and it will definitely end late. That's how it is! Look at that! -->
That's me, on the chair. No no no, I was not doing show, or whatnot. But as you can see, I am, well, to be honest, kind of short. Relatively compared to other guys, I need a stool to get attention. No way I was blaming them for being that... chaos, noisy and blablabla. Hello! We had been apart for FIVE FREAKING years, and that day was the day that we met each other. Talking, chatting, sharing, laughing were just some of the big picture that day. So, that was me, who came quite late (as a host, LOL), trying to get attention. Heck I am no attention seeker, but standing on that chinese stool was the last thing I did, well, after shouting in the crowd. I thanked all who came, who helped, who brought food and of course, to break the ice. Well, I didn't really got picture of the food we ate, but damn, they were delicious.
Our 2011 6M Reunion Menu of the Year:
Domino's Pizza. I was lazy to go out to buy, so delivery's first choice = Domino!
Teacher's Pizza. She brought along 3 pizza. Great, now we have more pizzas!
Salad. Well, freshly prepared, and 100% home made!
Jellies. Probably, we had more than enough...
Spaghetti. That was some side dishes.
Fried Chicken. A must in any party when your guests are 50 age and below! Haha!
Amazingly, we did not have any fizzy drinks. but we had packed drinks. 
And plus other stuffs, like biscuits, breads, sweets and whatnots.
Food, the annoying point that I, as a organizer and host, was bugging me. You know, a party without good food, wow! I wouldn't want to imagine it! See, dinner is like, the opening. When you have food on the table, anything and everything goes well with it. I was pleased with the food. But I was touched deeply within, not the food, but the memories. And that's what reunion is all about. Not the physical food, but the memories and happiness we had when we were young, in those good old days.

I say, we had a great time. After eating, we spent our time with our form teacher, Teacher Heng. She is a kind and loving teacher, that never would leave her students to go astray out of the correct path. She had taught us dedicatedly, and for that, we our internally grateful. So, she was our special guest. She came the latest, which was supposed to be. Haha. As she stepped into the house, we all greeted her, in our old, primary, kiddo way. 
起立, 行礼, 老师好!
Awwh, all of us greeted her at the same time, and the whole atmosphere turned to pure joy for her, and for us. The peer adrenaline instantly filled us, and yes, the party begins! It's been awhile, since we meet Teacher Heng, as a group of 6M. You know, I bet she felt the same way she was five years ago. Just the only difference is that we are now, taller, prettier, more handsome, and of course, smarter! Hah! But still, she was still the same; our loving teacher Heng. Hey teacher, thanks for coming!

Here... are some of my friends' pictures. Aha! I know, they looked 'funny', well, 'cause we're having fun.They were playing some 'game'. They questioned every single one who was present there that night.
And the 'victim' (well, everyone took turns) had no choice, but to sit in the middle of the circle, and answered as many questions as possbile. (I mean, ALL) Maybe, we just wanted to know us, AGAIN. We want to re-bond. You know? Nothing wrong about it, in fact, it was quite  hilarious. These guys here, yea, they would ask crazy questions. OF COURSE there were other guys, but some were not taken in photo. Same goes to the girls as well. However, boys will always be boys, and heck it, they asked ... the-you-know question all the time. 
That night, the feeling of being a 12-years-old regained its power upon all of us. We felt as if we were back in the year 2006 itself! We were having our lifetime in the same atmosphere five years ago. Nostalgia had became one of the most important elements that night. Undoubtedly, we were consumed by the momentous of togetherness.
During that moment, we care not of others, no family members, no outside friends, not one, but the moments we spent together, knowing that those few hours will eventually end. Time flies, as today and as yesterday, and as well as the days ahead of us. No one could ever guarantee that we will stay young forever, but there's a comfort in every single one of us, that as long as we are still young enough to laugh,
 and to meet each other, we will do our very best to achieve it. Still, there's still a lack of, maybe about six to seven people that night. Some went to trip while others just got sick. Nevertheless, majority came, and really made that night THE night of part of our sweet childhood memories. Precious, priceless and beautiful memories of our childhood is all we got, at this age of time. Growing up in  this harsh reality, is what childhood, does best in supporting us all the way up, with a pinch of hope, that our 6M buddies are always there for us. Honestly, I myself had never experienced pure happiness in my life when I was with all my dear friends in 6M, 2006. And that night, there I was, with my friends again, after five miserable years. I thank the Lord that no one was sad, no one regretted coming. and most of all, no one had even a tiny-tinsy drop of tears in our hearts. Joy and laughter brought us even closer. T'was time that separate us, and t'was memories, friendships and love that bind us even closer than ever. I love all my dear friends. I cherish those honey sweet moments together. I keep hold of all laughter and jokes we had together. And I love them as I love myself.
Thank you all my 6M buddies. You guys will always be in my heart. <3
Alas, the cruel hour had arrived. Time for us to say goodbye. As the clock ticks its way, and as minutes passed by, the moment that kissed us all  the way finally came. It sucks to say goodbye. But that's life. And us tough as we are, we hoped for the coming reunion. How flawless the flowers may be, they will, one day, wilt and die. As the old Chinese adage says, 夕阳无限好,只在近黄昏。
But hope is not far when we believe in them.
My best wishes to all friends, that we will meet again, next year, in His will, that when that day arrive, each of us will come, with a radiant smile, and a story to tell. So, cheers everyone, and see you again. Ciao!


英俊又可爱的一班,这可是王老师说的,我还以为她会说,捣蛋又难管的一班... XD


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