Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Last Day of Bible Study PKGH YF 2011: XOXO

Hey there people!
Recognize these group of people up there?
Yeap, it's the Gossip Girl.
Well, you might be wondering what the hell does Gossip Girl got to do with my Last Day of Bible Study.
Okay, first, I have been attending Bible Study in PKGH. 
And I have joined the youth group there called YF.
Yes, it is short for Youth Fellowship.
Well, this morning was the last day of our 2011 Bible Study.
And one big thing I learn from this year Bible Study in PKGH YF is 
yes, I learn that we should not gossip. 
Everyone know, deep down in their heart, whom their consciousness tell them that
gossiping is a NO NO thing to do.
Yet, we do it all the time, right?
Well, at least I am being honest; I admit I gossip. 
And Oh how good I am when it comes to gossip.
Gossip, was practically my ''hobby''
Yeap, I know I was that bad. 
But hey! After a year in Bible Study PKGH YF, I am making an effort
not to gossip. 
And as Christians, we should not only not to gossip,
but we should speak good words.
There is a very good metaphor.
 Imagine this:
You clean a piece of land, cut away all the useless weeds,
and then, do you let it empty, just like that?
Or you plant the land with useful vegetables?
Of course you plant the land with useful vegetables,
as such, it means you speak good, encouraging and useful words.
However, if you let the land to be empty,
as in you only not gossip and not speaking good words,
well, the weeds will return, and haha, you are yourself again.
I did learn many things other than not to gossip.
I learn that we should 
encourage one another,
honour one another,
love your neighbour as you love yourself,
and be more loving.
All these things are easy to say, 
but trust me, there are hard when it comes to applying them in your daily life.
But the Lord say, 
''There hath no temptation taken you,
but such as is common to man: 
but God [is] faithful, 
who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;
but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, 
that ye may be able to bear [it].(1Cr 10:13)''
Jesus promises us that whenever, wherever, however that
we are in hard testings or in trouble, 
Jesus will not forsake us but strengthen us,
even it is overpowering our faults and weaknesses,
so that we can be a better person in life.


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