Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Graduated from Senior High, part 1: 毕业典礼,我的未来路 (Thx to eric)


怎么这样刚好这个时候下起了倾盆大雨,是上天为我们这群即将毕业分道扬镳的孩子感到惋惜吗?是他的泪水吗? :)

— — — —

早上洗刷完毕,便前往Crystal Crown出发了。我在思考,今天会是怎么样的一天? 大家待会在唱毕业歌是的心情和表情会是如何?心情是忐忑的。

典礼开始了。穿上毕业袍的感觉就是很棒!照片拍到很丑,就不放上来了。我在想,下一次穿毕业袍会是什么时候? 还会有机会吗? 想必大家和我一样兴奋。

在 典礼进行的最后几个环节,播放Slide Show开始,到唱《Auld Lang Syne》 和 《Bertemu Dan Berpisah》,原本是有流泪的冲动的。康怡在一开始时说我一定会哭,可是我没有哭啊 :) 我在想,这几年来,在这所学校,在这个班上,我应该不舍些什么? 除了一些人,但有些没有出现。但还是有值得我留恋的,但少到可怜,所以那泪光就是这一闪,这一瞬间,就突然消失了。

这 几年来,我们班上的团结精神,在我认为其实是有在好转的。这一个现象,不是外人所能理解的。我们没有在校刊买版位、没有制造班服、今年没有拿过Kelas Terbersih、没有为国庆日布置课室。或许大家觉得这一个不应该是所谓大家眼中的[第一班]应该有的作为,但我却认为,我们只是没有展现出来。
去年我 们努力练唱《1 Malaysia Theme Song》拿了冠军,但没人记得,他们觉得这是应该的。去年我们为国庆日布置课室好像也夺冠了,也没人记得,他们觉得这是应该的。前年,我们连续不断的夺 下Kelas Terbesih,也没人记得,他们觉得这是应该的。


[很多时候 看到的只不过是表面光彩 唯有看不到的 才是最真实最实在的——《放》仲天騏]

有些东西你吃过 但你不知道它甘甜可口
有些地方你没有去过 你不会知道它温馨美好
而有些人 你没有和他共同经历风雨 是不会知道他有多么可贵

这是再说你们 :)

All credits to Eric Teh. I just found out that this is good. Isn't?
Well, you know what we can say about our class, we, the 5 Berlians?

5 Berlians are Berlians in our very own way,
whether you like it or not,
We are always the Berlians, and nothing is going to change that!
For  what matters the most is not WHAT WE  SHOW, but WHO WE ARE!
5 Berlians, thank you all of you. Without one of you, there will be a missing puzzle in every one of our memory. You guys will always be part of my history, my schooldays partners and my memory. <3


  1. Yerrrrr.. you take it without telling me :(
    Original one !! xD

  2. Shoon dun copy like that la.....
    At least put credit~
    Your class is better than mind..
    My class is now 2nd year we are together and before that we can be said as rival best classes.
    I'd the feeling before... have to be in different classes with someone I hope to be with them forever.
    BTW,being in the best class is not something that is so good~
    At most cases we will have to do what others expect us to do and they will compare us with others.
    No one is perfect but everyone is perfect in their own way :)

  3. who said i didnt put credit? read it carefully.
