Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, April 3, 2020

Reposting: Busy Busy Busy

For the past two months, most of the medical students were occupied by their duties of preparing and planning for the upcoming Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration in Unimas. We did not choose to do this simply because we wanted to. It is a tradition of the Medical Faculty that had passed down since nine years ago. Each year, the Year One medical students are expected to come up with a CNY event. This year was a little bit different. Instead of having the event in Lot 77 (the place where medical students used to study) and only inviting the lecturers and medical students, this year, we did our event in the main campus of Unimas itself, opening up the event to not only medical students but also students from other faculties. It can be done in big scale, but we are not as free as other faculties students, and since this is our first time, we figured that we should only invite 200 students. 

Since January, practices have been on-going. But two weeks before the real event (around the time after we returned from home for CNY and finished our EOB 3), practices had been on full speed. Each night, after lectures, the performers would keep on practice and practice to get the perfect synchronisation minimise the errors. I was involved in the diabolo performance and the flag-runner dance, and also the choir. So practices had been the only thing we did after lecturers. We literally were exhausted from all these activities that we did not even had the time to revise. Completing PBL was really a challenge. For that two weeks, it was insane. 

CNY event was on the 14th of March, 2015, Saturday. It was held in the hall of East Campus in Unimas. On Friday, we had full rehearsal. I helped out in the decoration and preparation part as well. I was glad that my mother's landscaping genes did not go to waste as I was able to naturally arrange the plants in pots so that the stage would look nice. I am just so happy I could do something for this event besides performance. On Saturday, those who were involved were there first thing in the morning. Preparing all the necessary stuffs like PA system, lighting, more decoration, logistics, confirmation of guests, VIPs and etc. I did not rest for the whole day and it was literally draining my battery to the max. 

The event started 7pm. Guests started coming to the hall by bus or cars. KFC was the dinner provided (Vegetarian Pizza Hut for the vegans). I was elated when my friends Ivon and Elycia were able to make it to the event. Elycia helped us took some really amazing and beautiful photos with her amazing DSLR. Seriously, photos taken with DSLR look so DIFFERENT! Of course, I could not be with them the whole time as I was one of the committees and I had a lot of works to do. 

Overall, the performance went well. I did a little mistake in the diabolo. I guess I was nervous. I mean, there was zero error during the full rehearsal. My friend Nina told me "just treat it as it is another practice." It did help a little, until I dropped my diabolo in front of 200 people. So freaking embarrassed. But I found comfort when even the most pro diabolo player dropped his diabolo. Not to be happy in someone's mistakes, but it is mentally comforting when I was not the only one who did mistakes and it was okay to do mistakes as long as we do not give up. 

When the event ended, we felt as if our shoulders were free from all the burdens. To the committees, we felt as if the 4 hours event only lasted for an hour. I did ask some of my friends who came and they said that the event was a little too long but was compensated with amazing performances. But when you are in the busyness and had no idea that time flies, you really do feel like you just went into a time machine. 

However, it was not the end for Chinese Christians, especially for me. As I am the president of the medical faculty Christian Fellowship namely Healing Heart Fellowship (HHF), I need to hold another event the coming week itself. SO yeah. Three consecutive weeks without any proper rest. Seriously, it was really really really tiring. 

The HHF CNY event was good. It ended well with my friends all came to support this event. Initially I wanted to invite only 50 guests. But it looked like God is great and He had moved 100 guests to attend. The food was just nice for them to fill their tummy. I felt sorry for Super and Janice because the three of us did not get a proper dinner that night because we had to go out and buy the surprise birthday cake. But God is good and He sustained us throughout the fellowship. 

I was in the worship team and we wore checkers shirt. I was so thankful that Ivon and Hui Boem were able to help in the worship team in guitars and drum respectively. Ling Poh was the worship leader that night. The sharing from Reverend Poh was so good. Of course, we had performances from our diva, Fready and Nina. I sang with Ivon and Arnold the song "You Are Everything". Really happy it turned out good. The Year Two sang a couple of songs too. The event ended with the cup song performance (so happy this time that I did not drop my cup, hahaha) and a surprise birthday celebration for all the February and March babies. 

Now I am in Week 4 of Block 4, the Musculoskeletal block. Since Week 1 is the full track practices, and Week 3 was busy preparing for the HHF event. Now in Block 4, I realised I had SO FREAKING many things to catch up. Not to mention that I have a camp to attend in Week 5; an Easter camp with Bethany. The worst thing is that there is a quiz right after that camp. OMG. 

I am the chairperson for Week 4 PBL. It is about osteomyelitis. So before I start doing my PBL and stop this summary of my insanely crazy weeks, I would like to close it with my personal experience that happened yesterday (Monday, 23/3/15).

On Monday, I was still fatigue from the event in the previous Sunday (HHF CNY). I had to present for my PBL group on Tuesday about Toxic Shock Syndrome too. So Monday I was really busy too. Not to mention the lectures were quite heavy. At around 3am, I had completed my revision for Arthrology (boy do I love Prof Fink's lectures in YouTube) and also the slides for the next day presentation. It was 3am in the morning and I was so tired. After washing my clothes, I wanted to bath. and then it happened. I LOCKED MYSELF OUT AGAIN. For the second time.

Compared to last time that happened on a Sunday morning, I dare not to wake up my housemates. I mean, IT IS 3AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING. Knocking at the door would just make people pissed off. Since I am a KL people, my greatest fear is to ''kacau'' (interrupt others). I tried to open the door in many ways for maybe an hour (I had no watch) but all were in vain. I also dare not to tell my housemates because I did not want my friend to jump out of the window and climbed into my window like the last time he did it and was caught by an officer. It was too dangerous. 

So I decided to sleep. 
I tried sleeping on the chair with my head on the table, no good.
I tried lying on the chair, no good. 
I tried to curled up and sleep on the chair, no good. 
I tried to sleep on the floor, in front of the door, with my upper trunk leaning on the wall, no good.
In the end, I had to sleep on the floor, like literally, whole body on the floor, with my slippers as my pillow, and my body only covered by my towel (I just finished bathing).

It was cold outside my room. Especially when you only had your towel.

On the next morning (Tuesday), I quickly ran to my friends' house. Fready and Abon were shocked to see me like this. Thank God that Abon was kind enough to lend me his shirt and tie and socks. I wore my own underpants that I washed last night and Ben's slack. So miserable. Just like that, without my wallet and phones and my laptop, I went to lecture.

However, I praised the Lord and thank Him that I had not a bad morning. Amidst all these shitty stuffs that happened to me, I was still able to smile genuinely and learned as usual. God is really our source of joy. Even in trouble, we can still smile. That reminds me of the Sunday School song that we all sang so long ago yet is still so dear to me. 

"with Christ in the vessel we can smile in the storm, smile in storm, smile in the storm. With christ in the vessel we can smile in the storm, as we go sailing on~"

Indeed, with Christ, I had managed to overcome the busyness that I personally faced throughout that 3 weeks and this miserable incident that happened right after that. I just thank the Lord for being my God, because as we sing in worship, 
"Through You (God), I can do anything, I can do all things. And it's You who gives me strength, nothing is impossible." 

SO YEA. This basically sums up my days for the past few weeks. 

BUSY. So busy that we sometimes forgot who is the only one that keeps our body strong and healthy. 

And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up. Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still." And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.… And He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" 

Aren't we just glad that the Lord that even water and storm obeys, loves us and cares for us?

It is so true that we Christians who have Jesus in us, have the fruits of spirits is us. And isn't JOY one of them.

Be happy, don't worry. Believe in Jesus, and He will arrange all things for you, in His way, the perfect way.

Take care readers. Good day. 

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