Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, April 5, 2013

it made my day =)

it had been awhile since i enter any competition
until 4/4/13
when i was "asked" to enter
 a chemistry practical competition
known as Saintis Muda
(means Young Scientist, in Bahasa)
i have to tell you guys,
at first, i didn't have the chance at all,
since i was not the brightest among my friends.
just above average (admitting that i'm just okay...)
but all of my friends were already chosen 
either to Biology or Maths competition.
I really love  to enter both of these, 
but i was not qualified though.
they are better.
and i'm not.
and i'm okay with it.

my entry to this chemistry competition became reality
when one of my bright friends could not join 
due to the clash date
so she requested teacher to pick me
and i am very very grateful of her.

i never won anything in sports.
just the competition that uses brain
well, maybe God spent more time on my brain
than my physique-talents.
so i guess i should just give thanks about it.

that competition made my day.
no matter if i win or not.
but i won, so, yea, it made an even greater day. 
(trying hard not to be proud or sombong)

the competition basically consists of 4 stations.
acid-base titration
anion identification
cation identification
enthalpy change
yeap, that's all about it
oh! and not mentioning that we were only given 
to complete each station.
what took an hour or so to do must be done in 10 minutes?
either you are godly, if not you knew the answer.
which i thank God that nobody cheated.
and everybody had fun.
after all, the theme this year was

my partner is from another school, and he is a cute guy.
Alex, i have to admit, is quite brilliant.
and i am glad that i have him as my partner.
i do believe that both of us did a good job.
and i did no less in helping us to win.
so the saying goes in Chinese,
(unity is strength)

do you have anything that made your day?
share it with me.
i wouldn't want to just talk about me.
send me your story.



  1. Again, congrats to you bro !
    Must believe that you're the best =)

    1. after such a long time my reply to you is still the same. thank you so much.

  2. you made my day because you're such a helpful friend when it comes to EVERYTHING. :)

    1. more than a year after i reply. you made my days too because with you i can taste adventures and freedom.
