Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Thursday, November 8, 2012

They didn't understand life

What is life?

Embracing all of them.

Those, my friend, is what make life

and above all,

seriously, do you believe in the second life?
or... the life cycle?
but if you watch typical Chinese show,
those actors like to say
"... okay, in my next life, .."

OKAY. clear it out that i am NOT
looking down on anyone's individual's believe.
but to my common sense, logical thinking, WHAT THE HECK!
why would we ever want to live a next life
when you can live this life
practically fine?
Everyone's got A life.
One life. not one. not two.
Okay, even if you believe in re-born,
well, you cannot possibly live as LEE AH BENG twice????


From the day you were born, 
'till the day you were in school,
and to-day you are reading this,
until the day you pass away.

Life is on-going,
and because we cannot turn back,
change the past,
and keep on living
until we go back to the ground...

Life is precious;
and so are you.

Yea, I purposely bold it,
italic it,
underline it,
and maximize its font,
with the colour red.
is what really matter
until the end.

Hold a gun
at a multi-bloody-billionaire's head.
what will he beg?
i swear.

And That's a short experiment to proove
LIFE is > > > > > >>>money
(so much greater)

however, although we all may have life,
are we really living our life?
 Living it, is what counts.

Live life to the most.\
 Bet you have heard it before.
well, it's kinda true.
And not.
It depends on how you define TO THE MOST.
but that's another story.

What's life to you?

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