Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Live the Present 001

Day      :Friday
Date     :21.9.12
"Rojak means mixture."

Failure and Arabian Lamb Kebab. 
damn! both sucks and muacks to the Xtreme.

so, i got up early. like 6.32am. still dark, cold. and that added on to me, nervous; it was my driving test day.

couldn't imagine, how my heart pumped. my stomach bursting with bloody butterfly. damn, why aren't those acids in my stomach kill them?  couldn't stand still. until i was called. 

"33!" i took my forms, and went into the car.
i drove. drove. slowly. carefully. nearly finishing. then... shit. i forgot to change lane. crossed the double-line. drove into the emergency lane. and then...

"lu langgar double-line, kan? lu FAIL!"
(you crossed double line, right? you FAIL!)

 what the hell!!!?????

and immediately, my heart sank.
so sad, i wanted to just, you know, crashed someone. idiotic invigilator. 

moodless, i got back. 
sms-ed my pals. they sms-ed back.
one girl and one boy, tried to cheer me up.
after what-seemed-like endless sms marathons,
i finally felt better.

they asked, or rather, she, asked me out.
to have dinner, together. three of us.

"we will bring you to our favourite arabic restaurant ^___^ you will feel better after eating :) "

so i fell for it. i gave in to the invitation.

and i'm glad i did.

we had a marvelous time.
we laughed. joked. dirty jokes.
sang along. being crazy

i told them. 
"sick of being a rational, logical, reasonable science stud. sometimes, i have to be nuts."

and they were amazed. my sick jokes were way awesome than theirs.

dinner, we had, yea, as invited, to the arabian restaurant. 
we were welcomed by the warmest waiter.
a handsome arabian guy. he was so cool.
and waiter-ed us so professional.

he was like, "shall i serve you the French, or the American?" ,
and we were like,
"one French, 
one American, 
and one Arabian." 

Troll!!! Hahaha! 

his was super persuasive. i meant the waiter.
my pal who was fulled couldn't help it. he finally ordered more than i did. haha. so much for smart persuasion. 

but the arabian wasn't blowing his horn.
the food was damn good.
we had ourselves lamb kebab. lamb mandy. and chicken kebab. briyani rice. mango shakes.

later we had frozen yogurt. 
of course it came with so many different flavors. but heck the flavors. 
we got ourselves frozen yogurt. plain, simple.

and we laughed some more. 

i just love my friends. more than friends. 
they were like my soul mates.
my art mates. the other side of me.
where my true art shows. 

love you guys. God bless.
Thank you God. 

Pillow Muacks.

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