Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, April 6, 2012

No Greater Love -- Good Friday

Bill and his wife were driving
through the mountains
when a near miss with a lorry
caused their car to swerve off the road
and plunge into the river.
After scrambling out of their sinking vehicle,
they frantically treaded water in the swift current.
A lorry driver,
who had seen the accident,
ran ahead along the shore and
threw a rope to them.
Bill swam behind his wife
and pushed her 
to where she could grab the rope--
and the man pulled her out.
Bill, however,
was carried downstream and didn't survive.
He had given his life for the woman he loved.
To give your life so another person can live;
the ultimate proof of love.
During the night that Jesus was betrayed,
He told His disciples of His intention to give His life
in exchange for mankind.
He told them,
''Greater love has no one than this, 
than to lay down one's life for his friends.''
(John 15:13)
Then He set the ultimate example of self sacrifice
by going to the cross.
Have you ever given any thought
to the fact
that Jesus did that FOR YOU?
That He died in your place?
In so doing, He not only proved His love for you,
but He also made it possible
for YOU to be forgiven of your sins
and to have an eternal home in heaven.

He who game Himself to save me,
Now will keep me to the end;
In His care securely resting
On His promise I depend. --Bosch

--DailyBread 6.4.12 

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