Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Friday, September 30, 2011

Walking home!

Walking home after my tuition
is something I do... nearly all the time.
You know one thing people said, 
"If you got no car in Malaysia, you are like human without leg!"
Well, I cannot deny this statement, 'cause it is kinda true.
Good thing I am not living in a city, just a small town.
And not so for from my house,
maybe a thirty-minute walk out,
I can reach a fleet of shops and tuition centers.
There, is the place where I get all my knowledge for Chemistry, Physics and Bahasa Malaysia.
Luckily for me, I managed to find myself a route,
the safest route that I won't get bang by vehicles,
back to home.
How I wish we have pavements just for the pedestrians,
so we can walk.
But even there is pavements, I think the weather in Malaysia isn't that cooperative.
Yeap, Malaysia is hot and damp. Walking is just not the best choice.
(no wonder cars is selling like hot cakes in Malaysia, especially those with air-conds!)
As I was saying, I walk home from tuition classes all the time.
No, I don't complain. To be honest, I kinda like it.
I am such person that I love do anything but sports.
Exactly! I sucks in sports... T.T
Walking... is the best exercise I can get... for me!
Do you know that walking everyday do you good? It's good for your heart. They cut down your risk in heart attack!
Walking home, is something I found it fun to do too! 
Why? 'Cause those thirty-minute walk ''provide'' me time!
My days as students are so packed with so many things.
From homework to tuition classes, I literally had no time for myself.
I got to take time for piano, blogging, facebook-ing and blablabla...
The time for ''myself'' means the time for me to
Yes, kinda like a ... time-out?
You know time-out, don't you? It's something like a small punishment, where you are told to take a certain time, maybe 5 minutes to 30 minutes, to sit down quietly, do nothing you like, and the purpose is to let yourself to think what wrongs you had done.
Get it? Time-out. My ''time-out'' is walking home.
That thirty-minute walk home is like my thirty-minute time-out.
It gives me the time to think, think and think.
Think of things, things and things.
Things I did,
things I am going to do later, 
things I should have done,
things that I should not do....
Yeap, true enough, my walking home is my time-out, which gives me time to think.
Isn't pathetic that I don't even have the time to sit down quietly and think.
I appreciate my walking home.
I don't complain. 
I bless the Lord.
Walking home... 
will I do happily, with a smile on my face! 

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