Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Dream; Night-dare!!! OMG!! super awesome!

i woke up, having difficulty to breath.
"hooh... hooh..."
seriously, my mind was turning, and i couldn't stay focus. although i just got out of bed, (which was mum's idea),
i seemed to have been elsewhere; of course, mentally.
ya, can you believe it? i can be mentally no concentrating on my SLEEP. i mean, it's easy to not concentrate on your class, your babbling teachers and nagging mum and dad, but hey, it turned out, that i actually was no concentrating on my sleeping.
a.k.a. i was dreaming.
i am quite sure i dream, because it didn't really look like dream-walking. hmmm, imagine me in a zone-war while i was dreaming? exactly! yesterday, after watching a tv show about witch and magical world (not Harry Potter), i have a cup of tea, instead of well, milk, and then watched some lightning both flashing at my windows for 30 minutes, before really, going to sleep.
well, nothing exciting, but what was awesome, was after, i closed my eyes.
i appeared no where. it was very vague around me.
it was obvious, a dream.
so now what? what dream is this? another adventure, i suppose? or nightmare?
then it became more clear.
i was in a war zone.
cool right? so freaking cool. you know why? because this wasn't any ordinary war-zone.
it was a 22nd century war, which have the combination of so many awesome parties.
simple to say, there was Dota + War of Warcraft, with Star Wars members, plus some Red Alert people inside. cool...
IF you get what i mean; it's a war between witchcraft, robots and man with super cool machines.
but i wasn't on any team.
and before i knew it, i heard stomping.
the earth was shaking hard. shaking strong.
a troop of soldier was right behind me, heading towards my back!!!
i quickly turned around, and OMG.
immediately, i superhero-ly jumped up as high as possible (only possible in dreams), and landed at the other side, but watching the troop of dead meats.
Ya, dead meats. corpse! if you remember that some war games includes some UNDEAD in the war parties, yes, that's it. the soldier of the undead. OMG. so disgusting. i cannot really describe how they look.
let me recall what i saw.
some very huge giants, with axe on their hands, walking as though they had only one leg, mouth fulled of blood, and yuck! their intestines were hanging out of  their bloody abdomens. ewww!!!
so, i started to leave. but i couldn't. they were all around me. no harming me. but they seemed to go in a direction. ignoring me? or was i just invisible?
after that, i couldn't really capture what i saw.
everything was so quick.
there were flashes of pictures about the robots team having spies all around. (robots spies of course)
humans gathered some of their genius invention.
i have really no idea.
so many things at a time.
even now, trying to recall back what i dreamt, was a headache.
but no long, i remembered that i wanted to get the hell out of the place where it began to look more like graveyard. the undead who were being created in that place.
geniusly, i was in control of the dream.
so, here comes help as long as i needed it.
and here came a man, very big in size, on a huge motorcycle.
it sure did look weird, no motorcycle had a ball under its seat, and what not stuff all around.
so very 22nd century bike.
i called out for the man.
he stopped.
he looked at me...
oh yes, forgot to mention, i was really small in the dream.
and he shook his head, motioning no.
please!!! i begged him. take me along. i have to go out of here!
so he agreed, and asked me to jump on his bike.
i sat behind him, and the moment he move, it was like super duple fast!!!! WOAH!!!
but he was kinda lousy driver.
maybe not so good at controlling a bike so powerful.
but it was better than nothing... finally, we got into the sky.
and flying, yes, flying.
to the human base.
really machine. every where.
very impressive.
then, out of a sudden, the chief of war called me out, and asked me to be one of their spy.
reason, he told me that a boy is good at nothing but spying! what kind of crap would that be??
who cares?
in my dream, i was a super brave boy, who would take on any mission.
even asking me jump off a spaceship.
but that's another story with another dream.
so, with a smart long-neck robot, (quite good looking, just that his eyes kept on glowing with emotions) we had our uniforms, (not so sure what it looks like, since there was no mirror to check out)
headed out of base, (walking with very fast speed, not sure how)
and reached the mission target.
it was heaps of sand.
like in the sahara. you know, many hills of sands, debris and stuffs in war zone.
ya, we crawled. and the robot's eyes, teet teet teet. doing some inspections.
suddenly, i spotted another robot, not far from us. a red colour one. i still remember. well, because my friend was green colour. and... i felt something bad about that red robot.
while my partner was busy teet-ing, i stare at the robot, and i crawled near to it.
and i looked at me too.
really creepy you know?
then, my stomach gave a pain, and i immediately knew that the red robot, is the enemy robot.
my partner came crawling beside me, and teet-ing when i patted its back, and told him to get ready to launch.
and as soon as i said, GO!
my green robot partner caught me super tight behind its back, and BOOM! out of the place like a rocket busting out of the place, to the direction of our base.
but, what i could see was that in the split second of me getting up on the robot, the enemy turned into a totally horrible red fierce robot with cone-drill on its head, and coming after us!!!
i tried to say faster faster!!! but no use, we were super fast.
and in a second, we reached our base.
we crashed into base, which i wasn't hurt a bit. that is what i like about dream. your pain is no longer in existence in the dream world. you can hurt or kill, but no pain. how nice!
and we reported our finding to the chief. it seemed that the green robot who was just teet-ing was actually gathering information about the ROBOT team.
then, it was all blur again.
it was like, okay, mission accomplished, now go home.
NO WAY. i'm still half way through the fun.
then, i saw that biker again!
this time, i begged him to give me a ride.
and he said, if you can be my assistant, hop up!
and without thinking, the boy in the dream me was super confident and got up.
i mean, wow,  i might have miss so much adventure in reality!
the next thing i knew was we were flying in the sky with his super bike.
now came another enemy. this time, it wasn't any robot. it's from the undead party.
it's a horrible looking witch with eight hands and legs, flying at us, with great speed, and her hair was bright purple! her eyes were red, pink face with green mouth! and she was so near to us!!!
i screamed to the biker, can't you go faster?
and he told me, if you could just open the latch behind this bike 3 times, turn the ball under our seat 10 times, then we'll be safe!
and i was like OMG, and i immediately went into action.
i opened the latch 3 times (told you that the bike had nonsense)
and turned the silver ball 10 times super super fast (the tenth time was a bit stuck and out of breath,  but when i saw that witch-monster flying behind us, i quickly turned the ball!!)
and he said HOLD ON
and as soon as i grabbed him,
he turned a notch,
we were like riding a rocket-fueled bike!!!!
and soon the monster was no where to be found.
but we were in such insane speed, i suddenly felt that everything in the world became slower.
and it seemed that i had myself in the mode of the speed of light.
you know, these few days, i had been watching many clips and documentaries about the speed of light, about Einstein and his crazy physics stuffs and etc.
maybe i got so into those things, now, even in my dream, i had those super power on me.
Einsteins said that if you can be in the light of speed, (which nobody could ever ever do that)
then............... ( i don't remember what he said 'cause no use of listening since i can't be in the speed of light)
and not the biker but me.
now EVERY SINGLE THING seems slower to me.
even the biker made a 180 degree super fast turning, it seemed that he took 10 minutes to made that turn.
now my head began to spin.
frantically. insanely. crazily. really nuts.
and my breathing became really really hard.
i was too fast to breath.
my lungs were about to explode.
my eyes were going to popped out.
but i can feel the eternity in my life.
so that's the feeling when some one is in the speed of light
pardon me if you do not understand how i felt, 'cause all those feelings, are hard to describe in words.
it was just simply god-mode feeling.
not of this world.
and things were so slow, i began to wonder myself in a dark zone.
victory? achieved god-mode super power and won?
and all of a sudden, i love being in war zone, where i was the super power, and i will win the war, and ...
mum called me out of bed.
9 am.
light shining brightly at the window on my face.
my dream, is over.
i wanted to sleep back, and continue on the adventure.
but i said,
Shoon, enough is enough.
let's call it a day.
haha. right, a day.
and that's all what i felt, this very morning.
how is your morning feeling like?
dream? or just another miserable day?
i got myself to thank God for the chemistry in my brain, playing tricks on me, and coming out with this genius dream. i just love the adventure, and i hope, i could share what i just experience. it was so much exciting.
better than sex, i can assure that.


  1. When I was young, I used to dream I was in an unknown place, in a giant box-like, at one corner, like an ant, I felt so small, so minute, and lost. The dream come back back again and again. When I believed in the Lord, no more this dream!

  2. then what dream do you have after trusting in the Lord?
