Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cough! ... argh...sick!

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Oh gosh! I sounded awful. 

I had this terrible sore throat since Friday night. I thought it was like the usual flu sore that  I could handle of easily. Who knows they worsen as time pass by. 

''I can't be attending my friend's raya party like this!" 

So, I prayed to God that He would heal me. Well, I really did not want to miss that party for she had postponed her original party just for her senior-bro! (that's me) And  the last thing for me to have was a virus. Thank God I was slightly recovered as day called for the day. You know, not coughing that frequent and being more energized was all I could ask for! 

We had an awesome time and it was, of course, another unforgettable raya party! We played some firecrackers that I bought since Chinese New Year and had a delicious dinner! But my illness regained control as Sunday morning arrived. Actually, I could not sleep since 5am as iIwas coughing non-stop. You know, you can't just sleep with your head and body shaking up and down all the time, and your throat hurt like hell! It was burning and very painful indeed! 

And the worst part was that my chinese medicine (I called it pi pa gao) was finished!!! Oh no! My cooling-sore-throat medicine. the only thing I could rely on to be not-so-pain was NO MORE! 

Sigh! So I skipped church that morning. I just did not want to get my sickness everywhere, spreading them to everyone. You would not want it too, do you? 

But I was so comforted at Sunday night (just now), my church youth advisor and his wife (who were as sick as I was) came by my house and gave me the greatest comfort. Before they came, I was complaining at facebook about this dumb virus I had. I don't know about you, but to me, this sore throat thingy was the beginning of chains of sickness; from fever to headache, it was just awful! That was why i was so concerned about this sore throat! 

Okay, where was I? Oh yes! tTey came, and sent me BARLI JUICE! Well, in Malaysia, for Chinese, if you got sore throat, the best liquid to drink is BARLI! So nice! How thoughtful there were! Oh thank you God for this deliverance... or some thing more like a man-mail from God, saying 
 "hey you, don't worry, I am here to help you go through this sickness, Gambateh!" 
Owh~ So sweet! So comforting! So wonderful! Thank you Lord! Well, that's for now. Have to rest to get rid of this stubborn sore throat. Goodnight people!