Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes and I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

my 6M angels !

SYT: 五年前,我們有<永遠的畫面>; 五年後,我們有了 <;那些年>; 。不同的歌,不同的曲調, 但兩首歌卻讓我想起了當年,想起了你們。我不相信友誼萬歲,更不相信天長地久,但只要我們望著同樣的月亮,呼吸著同樣的空氣,我相信,我們的心還是,一點一滴地系在一起。
LWL:  ♥    :) 
teacher Heng: 哇,五年了,好快呀!当年初生之犊长大了,要进入另一阶段了。好期待你们的好消息。好好在最后的这两个月冲刺,拚出好成绩。 
ky: 兩首都是我最愛的歌♥ 哈哈。。我現在很想給你一個大大的擁抱
eugene n jacky: y suddenly so emo? haha i beliv too. ==.. 
adison: 毕业后, 我发觉我已慢慢地爱上夜空。。 因为只要望着它, 思念的泪水就不会滑落下来。。。
To all my friends, i hope we will meet in the Reunion 2011 in December. Please, do make an effort to come, 'cause we will never know if we will ever meet again. All i asked for is for time to stop, but that is mere impossible, but... would it be possible that we slow time down... with our memories and friendships? 

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